Viagra - Let's Talk about It

How is it that for some it will last for hours and others it lasts for only a few?

I've learned, depending on the age of the client to ask that question up front because I know if they've taken the little blue pill then there's a limited time we can get to business.

Not always my favorite option .... as we can do our chit chat afterward.
But, what still lies, is the fact I want to feel comfortable with you (if you're a new client) before we do the dirty ....

So, maybe it's about planning the timing before downing that pill?
Knowing (by doing your due diligence), it's necessary for the new client to show up ready to spend at least 15mins developing a connection.

I'm no Viagra expert .... but there are many different results, and I was curious ...

One more thing, some dudes that time it right ... and they got the mojo, know how to work the program in so many awesome ways!

Just because their brain isn't communicating with their manly parts, once that is fixed .... they are off and running!
ED meds increase blood flow. It will cause a man to "chub up". But, it takes sexual stimulation to get going. As with any medication, each person is affected differently. Some men get by on 20mg. Some needs 100mg.

Metabolism is a factor. High metabolic rate means it doesn't last as long.

And, stress/anxiety can affect duration and effect.

If a feller needs a high dose, has a high metabolic rate and is uptight, duration can drop. If he can use a lower dose and is chill, he'll last longer.

One other aspect of sildenafil, and other ED meds, is a reduction of sensation in some patients. He may get harder and last longer.
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 05-22-2022, 12:33 PM
Staying active and fucking often keeps me solid for my age, guy's that want the occasional once a month hard on, it probably won't work out for you, ever heard the old saying if you don't use it, you'll lose it? This is very true...

One thing is to force it hard, next it's to have the stamina to keep going, your partner also matters, most women let the guys do all the work, because they don't have the energy, knees hurt, back hurts it they're just plain out of shape or even lazy.
ElBombero's Avatar
To answer the question, for me, it typically starts working in about 30 mins, peaks between 1 to 1-1/2 hours, and fades off slowly after that. There’s always been enough room for some chit-chat, a massage, etc.

Bill-O is spot on, but one thing I’ll add is having some food with it will flatten the peak quite a bit, as well.
TT just curious what percentage of guys use the blue pill or similar meds for their session?
I am 45 and have had mild ED issues for about 5 years, I don’t absolutely have to take viagra but it helps ensure things go smoothly. I take it every time before I plan to have sex about 45min ahead of time and it will last strong for me for about 1 to 1-1/2 hours after that. I will mention that I am big guy with slow metabolism. I’m 6’5”, 250lbs. And I can go longer and harder while on the pill
mark77070's Avatar
To answer the question, for me, it typically starts working in about 30 mins, peaks between 1 to 1-1/2 hours, and fades off slowly after that. There’s always been enough room for some chit-chat, a massage, etc.

Bill-O is spot on, but one thing I’ll add is having some food with it will flatten the peak quite a bit, as well. Originally Posted by ElBombero

I like 50mg Viagra an hour before show time and if the lady and I need 1/2 an hour to visit, it's okay, because I consider 1-1/2 hr to be optimal. If she's so hot we don't that 1/2 hr, 1hr for the Viagra is okay too. I'm 6' 170#.

Yes on the empty stomach. First thing in the morning before breakfast is excellent. But generally I wait 2hrs after breakfast or lunch to pop the pill, and then one more hour for the pill to work when I show up on your doorstep.
PM me and I'll give you a demo.
DownForWhatever's Avatar
+1 on the empty stomach...seems to work a lot better.

It's tough when a session gets pushed back 15 minutes...then some random primping and prepping...followed by endless blah-blah-blah.

By then, its on the down side of the efficacy scale.

I've gone to taking it 30 minutes before the planned session and then try to control the timing of the fun stuff to coincide with max effect.

This is a lot easier in the FBSM world....when you can decide the best time for the flip....probably why my hobbying style is moving more towards table related activities.
Doesnt work for me, habe no idea how... cialis either
slimpickens54's Avatar
Usually take 50-100mg 30-45 mins before the session. Sometimes I’ll take half that and the other half just before arriving. Peaks in 1-1/2 hrs. Little to no food before, which is a two edge sword with overall energy level and stamina. Interaction by the girl plays a big role. Very docile and just lays there with an are you done yet look is a boner killer regardless of the meds.
Personally, I prefer 20mg ceilas. Effects can last 36 hours So i can take it before the date and not watch the clock. YMMV and I always recommend consulting your doctor first
Had a friend who worked at a doctors office , would get samples and sell to us . With the cialis I would take half the pill ,the effect would be there when I got together with my girlfriend later that night . Next time I would take the other half. I was 45 when I used to get that .