Do You Share More With Providers Than With "Real" Friends?

I was at a wedding this weekend for my best friend. Prior to the rehearsal dinner, followed by bachelor party, was a visit to a special provider for a very long fuck fest (see reviews). Perhaps one person knows about my "hobbying", and she'd never say a word.

Here's the sitch. I'm not married. Engaged, but not married, per se. No kids. Interestingly enough, when I mention this, I get a look that says, "REALLY? Well, come on over to the dark side..." It's an interesting dynamic we have (we, being the collective us), and I suppose if one took the time, he or she might make an actual friend, albeit an expensive one; but a friend nonetheless.

This is the best goddamned therapy I've ever had. I mean it. My family is the family from "Everybody Loves Raymond". I watch that show, laugh and get flashbacks (I identify with Robert. We're both grossly misunderstood and incredible dancers). For whatever reasons we're here (mine are very simple, I believe), I think on some level we want to be understood. So when I feel like a person can keep pace with my sense of humor and intelligence, I see them again, if our personalities click. It's not so much about how hot someone is, but that is indeed a factor. My S.O. is incredibly hot by any social standard, but its this being understood thing that gets me.

In addition to this, there's (or should be) a level of inhibition I think, with someone you'll see often. I'm trying to find a way to dumb this down so I don't seem like I'm ranting (for my sake). So far, I've encountered one person I'm really becoming comfortable with that I feel I can really be myself around, with no regard to inhibition or censor (for the most part).

My best friend got married and he ended up sleeping with his new wife's friend before the wedding. She was his surprise stripper/Sexual Ninja for the evening, and he shared this with me (as if I can't hear you fucking in the bathroom?). Talking to him openly was very interesting, and I realized I share a lot about who I am with certain providers. For whatever the reason, and I'm not looking for a diagnosis here or opinions about myself; I think these "encounters" put "me" in a different perspective. I'd never call myself a genius, but it does require a certain type of person to not think I'm bat-shit crazy and keep up.

I don't know. I was a little bored and tired of analyzing securities and corporate finance, so I thought I'd post this. I'm probably not making a lot of sense because I've gotten approximately 4 hours of sleep in 3 days. My real question is, are you a business first, chit-chat after kind of person, or do you find yourself talking to or connecting with an ATF of sorts? I don't necessarily mean I spill huge amounts of specific personal information, but after doing this for about a year and a half or so; I do like someone to listen occasionally. Or take an interest. I suppose I'd define that as maybe 50% of GFE, at least. For me, anyhow.
Ready2Rock's Avatar
Sure, I think this happens quite often. Some of my best conversations about real life have come with a couple of ladies I've gotten to know over the past 7 years. There is a level of honesty in the hobby that you rarely find elsewhere. Unlike the real world, the provider-client relationship is (or should be) relatively free of BS and game-playing. We cut straight to the chase, and in the process certain basic needs of two consenting adults are met. I've grown to appreciate the nature of the relationship because it has opened the door to some very nice friendships.
rekcaSxT's Avatar
I am just gonna skip to your question, cause the stuff before REALLY makes me scratch my head.

I have some providers I really connect with and enjoy the conversation, and with whom I feel a real closeness. Some I just fuck. It depends on the chemistry. Luckily I have met more that I can connect with than ones I just fuck.

I am not going to lie, I have my own issues/baggage, and I don't let people in. Well real world people. I do allow providers in a little bit and get somewhat vulnerable. I am here to meet physical needs, but sometimes psychological needs and physical needs can be intertwined.

I really enjoy this as a hobby. Having the variety I have had in my time here has been amazing. I feel I have banged every continent (well maybe not all but close) and I have made some friends. But lately I have felt like I need to venture back into the real world. But that means becoming vulnerable to people who I am not paying to listen to me or spend time with me. So it is more of a risky endevour. There is a certain security I feel here you know?
Whispers's Avatar
It is a bit easier to be more open and honest with strangers.... people with no part of your everyday life.... people you might never see again... than it is with friends or family....

Bartenders and often waitstaff hear one hell of a lot......

It's no surprise that so do these ladies....
to each is own but your friend is an IDIOT for fucking his wife's friend..
how dumb can he be???

I am not the moral Police but the Common Sense Police...dont fuk anyone your future wife or future GF may know.
rekcaSxT's Avatar
to each is own but your friend is an IDIOT for fucking his wife's friend..
how dumb can he be???

I am not the moral Police but the Common Sense Police...dont fuk anyone your future wife or future GF my know. Originally Posted by RALPHEY BOY

leave it to REB to give an honest unfiltered response!

This comes as no surprise to me. You have to love the provider/hobby relationship. I agree that it is much easier to talk to a stranger than people that are close to you. The person you are talking to is not biased. I think provider's are a different breed of woman. We take on many roles, and tend to be less prudish. Many of us have seen alot, been through alot, and have a lot of insight. Then there are some that are clueless! I never thought of a man being in the hobby so he would not have to be vunerable in the real world. That is exactly one of the reasons why I love to provide. I do not like being emotionally vunerable. The hobby provides me with freedom from the restricting 8 to 5. It lets me explore my sensuality, sexuality, and my alter ego! All with the added benefit of stashing away some money to work towards my dream goal. There is no heartbreak, games, or men to leave the toilet seat up. You know exactly what to expect. I find great comfort in that. just my 2cents.
Providers are basically psychiatrists we get to see nekked. They don't necessarily solve your problems, but you can vent, confide, and just let loose. They also have the unspoken provider/client confidentiality much like doctor/patient.
Providers are basically psychiatrists we get to see nekked. They don't necessarily solve your problems, but you can vent, confide, and just let loose. They also have the unspoken provider/client confidentiality much like doctor/patient. Originally Posted by adudeinaustin
Ladies and gents, I apologize. I was sleep deprived and I understand that the first 2/3 of my original post makes no sense because I forgot to finish editing it.

At any rate, thanks for contributing.
Whispers's Avatar
They also have the unspoken provider/client confidentiality much like doctor/patient. Originally Posted by adudeinaustin

UNFORTUNATELY... That has not always proven to be the case..... Some gals I've seen wanna run their mouth's non stop about what other guys say to them....... One time I heard a story and instantly knew what guy she was talking about as I knew him..... I was kind of embarrassed FOR him actually that it was happening....
For me the only people who know I hobby are the providers I see. Online I can hide behind the screen one knows who I am in the real world. With providers, I can talk and don't have to worry about anything being viewd as wrong.

And Brit, can't wait to see the dual "psychiatists" nekeed in a few hours!!
Lots of u folks be too deep fo me! Hell, Big Pimpin don't even no Big Pimpin, I nevah really axed, nevah really had a confosation wit myself. Probly dontz want to either, u no whut I'm sayin!
Amrita Lover's Avatar
Lots of u folks be too deep fo me! Hell, Big Pimpin don't even no Big Pimpin, I nevah really axed, nevah really had a confosation wit myself. Probly dontz want to either, u no whut I'm sayin! Originally Posted by TGFBI
Yeeeeaaahhh, Big Pimpin, I think I kinda do.......... NOT!
Baloney Pony's Avatar
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If you have a secret and you tell one other person - you no longer have a secret.