Lexington street walker action

For anyone who uses The apartment parking lot beer the weird interesting, notice the power cord dangling off the roof is gone? Well, that was me. Hit it anD ripped it. Oops
Can someone please decode this for me? I'm not from around here...
Sorry auto correct messed a bunch of the words up.
For anyone who uses the apartment parking lot near the weird intersection, notice the power cord dangling off the roof is gone? Well, that was me. Hit it and ripped it right off. Oops
How about some tips on which girls out there are any good? I've driven by there and they all look pretty rough.
Everyone keeps moving around, so it is hard to give locations on where people are.

Sara is a 22 year old blonde white girl on Lexington. Looks pretty good, but {staff edit - CK}. Falls asleep a lot. Really they all have {staff edit - CK}

Cupcake is a brunette with a bit of weight on Lyell down towards the Burger King/glide area, but she may not be working. Saw her a few days ago, but she didn’t respond.

Mariah is a little Latina in the Lyell north Plymouth area. She is a bit of a grab bag {staff edit - CK}. Falls asleep sometimes

NaNa is in the same area and great. Looks similar to Mariah

Bejah (not sure of spelling) is another Latina in the area, but I haven’t seen her in a while. If you see her, try to get some contact info and let me know.

There is an 18 year old (I checked age) who used to be a heavy girl on Lexington. She lost a bunch of weight and came down to Lyell, but I haven’t seen her in a few weeks.

If you see pebbles, tiny blonde girl, she will rip you off. Do not give her money until things have started. I would advise not giving her money at all, but maybe drive a ways away before giving money.

General notes:

It is completely random when people are out, but dusk is usually a common time. People are all over and personality and behavior varies widely based on {staff edit - CK}. It really just matters how much crazy you can deal with. My tolerance for crazy is pretty high, so the girls are pretty cool with me. Basically just don’t be an ass hole, treat them like people, and thing go well.

There are Several black transvestites out there, be aware.
If you see a house with a bunch of people going in and out, don’t park next to it and just sit there. It freaks out the people. Someone here did that and it resulted in quite a few panicked people in the house.

My kit:
Hand sanitizer, napkins, snacks (it comes in handy), condoms, car wipes, lighter (was they loose theirs a lot) and it speeds things up, patience and time.
And for some reason the white girls seem to be totally okay with saying the n-word with a hard R. I guess they think I won’t care because I am white. Really jarring to me and off putting.
Zollner's Avatar
WTF! Street stuff just now worth the risk anymore.
Egg..how long have you been hitting the streetwalker scene? Been around long enough to remember crazy one-eyed Mary from Lyell? She could be, well, exciting...
Zollner's Avatar
Better than a dead fish lay...lol