
Sensual Sophia's Avatar
Howdy Eccie,

It's been a while. People have been asking if I'm OK and if I'm still around, etc. I am still around, but I am basically retired from the hobby and will be moving shortly. I don't want to say I'm RETIRED RETIRED because I may get a wild hair up my ass and decide to come back to town and run an ad for a few days. But until you see an ad from me, you can pretty much keep me scratched off your list.

I'm starting professional school in August and am excited about entering a new chapter of my life.

I have met many clients and providers over the years who have shown me kindness and have shared some really good times. Thank you to all of the men who have been true gentlemen, and all of the ladies who have been supportive to other providers. You made this sometimes lonely occupation not-so-lonely.

I have found some great entertainment over the years on this board and thank the comedians for making me laugh and even the drama queens and kings for occasionally giving me reason to munch on popcorn.

I have little time for logging into this site or any others to check references so please stop using me as a reference.

I hope you good ladies and gents out there can continue to ignore the haters. Some in this biz look at everything through an us-versus-them filtration. They attempt to categorize everyone as pro-hobbyist or pro-provider and humiliate or shun anyone who doesn't fall into line with their particular camp. It's nonsense. Men being called WK's or woman not being invited to ladies brunches, all because they expressed an opinion that differed from what some expect.

Here are some parting words of unsolicited advice:


1) Don't react publicly to allegations when you get a bad review or get a NCNS report or some such thing. It doesn't matter how reasonable or articulate you are (or you think you are) or how untrue or undeserved the allegations are--the haters will find a way to twist your words and crucify you. It is an unwinnable game. They will get tired of bashing a target that doesn't respond, and then you can let your good performance and subsequent positive reviews speak for yourself. If you find that some of their criticism is valid, you might want to try to improve your services so it doesn't happen again. And a good thorough apology without any attempt at defense goes a long way if you really did screw up. But it's better to apologize to the gent directly and immediately and offer him some sort of compensation before he gets angry enough to go to the board with his complaint in the first place.

2) Don't waste your time reading the boards. Read the alerts and the ladies safety forums and then get out. I can't tell you how much time I have wasted reading and worrying about shit that was said on the board when I could have been making money or enjoying my life. If only I could have those hours back.

3) It doesn't matter who you are, eventually someone will trash you. Try not to take it personally. See if there is any validity in their criticism, even slight, and see if you can do anything to improve it. What you don't find valid, or can't change, just try to imagine you reviewing them and their performance. Imagine all the things you could say. And then think about how lucky you are to have all the good guys that care about you and help you pay your bills. You don't need to worry about the ones that don't.

4) If you're starting to feel entitled, arrogant, lazy, or angry, it might be time for a vacation. This work is draining and it can turn very nice girls into total cunts if they're not careful. If you are not feeling it, your clients will perceive it. Take a break now and then.


1) Don't let bad providers get away with ripping off guys because you're too afraid to post a review--you're only punishing the hardworking providers. But first it might be helpful to talk to the provider herself. If something isn't working out for you during the session, you should have the balls to tell her while there is still a chance to fix it. For example, a 20 year old might not be aware of how irritating it is for her to text during your session. It may be hard but try being direct rather than subtle. Try saying, "Hey, since I'm paying for your time I would appreciate it if you didn't use your cell phone during our session." If you don't have the guts to talk to her in person, send her an email after the session to tell her what you found disappointing. Most good providers will attempt to fix the problem or make it up to you. If she doesn't, then don't be shy about telling the truth and sharing this information.

2) Don't dog pile. It's really not a classy move to jump in and throw in your two cents on a provider you've never seen based only on one side of the story. Nobody who wasn't there knows what really happened. At best you can shed some light by discussing your previous experiences, positive or negative, with the provider. But all the conjecture is pointless.

3) Use P411 if you want fast screening. For most of us ladies in Austin, it is the preferred method and will get you that last minute appointment. It can take hours or days for references to return a request. It's worth the money.

4) If you're trying to see a provider who is known to be selective, take your time. You can kind of get a feel for a woman's personality by her posts and website. If she seems to write in complete sentences and is oriented towards an experience beyond acronyms, she might not take well to a first communications consisting of "u avail?" If she is popular and has a zillion emails to look through, that one will probably be ignored. Don't feel like you have to write an opus. You can type a form letter and keep it in your notes on your user CP and just paste and tweak for each girl. Try something like, "Hi, my name is Jim. I saw your recent ad on xyz and it drew me to your pictures, reviews and your site. I really like x,y,z about you and would love to see you at your incall at xyz date and time if you're available. If not, I am also available at xyz time. My handles on ecci is xyz and I have p411 if you would like me to message you there. I have seen Lola: phone, website, email, and Mary: phone, website, email. Please let me know if you need any more information from me to complete the screening process."

5) Communicate with your provider. Tell her what you want. Providers are not mind readers and every client is different. Do your best to get the most out of the session by letting the provider know what works for you.

Ladies & Gents:

Be nice to your moderators. They are doing their best at a job that nobody would wish on their worst enemy.

That concludes my unsolicited advice.

Happy Hobbying everyone!
good post, I am guilty of dog piling
i guess but someone has to do it!! it makes for good reading.. haha!!

although we have never met face to face I have enjoyed our conversations and emails. you are pretty cool chic in my book!!!
Carl's Avatar
  • Carl
  • 06-20-2011, 04:38 PM
I'm starting professional school in August and am excited about entering a new chapter of my life.

I have met many clients and providers over the years who have shown me kindness and have shared some really good times. Thank you to all of the men who have been true gentlemen, and all of the ladies who have been supportive to other providers. You made this sometimes lonely occupation not-so-lonely.

I have found some great entertainment over the years on this board and thank the comedians for making me laugh and even the drama queens and kings for occasionally giving me reason to munch on popcorn. Originally Posted by Sensual Sophia
Well, I'm very proud of you and I'm happy to have made your acquaintance. See you in the funny papers.
Sophia, I wish you only the best. You are a truly beautiful (inside and out) and intelligent young lady. Thank you for some truly spectacular and wonderful memories. You will be missed by those of us who were lucky enough to have spent time with you.

Love ya,
Tatonka's Avatar
Best of luck to you Sophia, I think that you will do quite well.

Thanks for the advice, there is some wisdom and good sense in what you wrote.
Very well said Gentleman... May I also say thank you Ms. Sophia for my many fond mermories. You will do well in any adventure you choose.
Sage advice from one of the very best.

Good Fortune and Fair Winds to a very special Lady that I hope considers me a friend, as I do her. I know that you will succeed at all you attempt.

What a great post!

SS, You are one of the smartest, classiest ladies I've met! In the words of our russian friend "with one hell of a sexy Popka (sp?) too!" You will be sorely missed in our community.

Good luck to you in your new endeavors. I am sure you will succeed
NewWave's Avatar
dang, i've never made your acquaintance but was one of the first guys to email you when first blew onto the scene. i guess the overload of reviews made me never seal the deal, but you always seem like a really sexy and classy lady. and i love your ass pics.

whatever new providers we get, i hope they have your classiness.

and if you still not totally retired but in the mood-ish, send me a PM sometime. best of luck with your new endeavors.
deedeedoe62's Avatar
Excellent Post Sophia!

I wish I had the opportunity to meet you. Your post were enjoyable to read.

Good luck in the next phase of your life, and if you should get that wild hair up your butt to dabble in the hobby, please allow me to be one to tickle that hair!
missi hart's Avatar
best of luck to you, sophia---i always enjoyed your posts!

I'm very happy that I finally had the opportunity to meet you recently, through Natalie, and spend some time getting to know a little bit about you. You are a straight up good woman, and I wish you nothing but the best in this new life changing venture.

Your friends are always still here when your ready to come back for a visit.

Sophia is one of my 3-4 ATF's. She is extremely bright, very witty and quite articulate. When topped off with her creative sexual imagination, well you get my drift. I will reluctantly take her off of my list (sniff, sniff) but anytime she would like to get in touch with me, she knows how to do so.

I wish her nothing but the best. She deserves it!
rjdiner's Avatar
This announcement is the definition of bittersweet in Websters (yes I still have a paper edition). Bitter for my own selfish reasons. Sweet because I know you are taking your life in a positive direction and I'm genuinely excited for your future.

To say you'll be missed would be the understatement of all time. You have connected with me in a special way over the years and I've enjoyed each moment I've spent with/around you. You are truly the most extraordinary woman I have met in this hobby.

As for the haters, they exist everywhere, in all walks of life. I can assure you they will exist in the next chapter of your life also. You will recognize them for what they are because of your experience here and you will be far ahead of your peer group in dealing with them.

Sophia, you're one of life's winners. Don't ever doubt yourself. Go forward with the dignity and confidence I know you possess.

Good bye is too permanent. So I'll see you around.

I've been thinking about you. Congratulations on your new chapter; I was wondering if you got in. It's been fun hanging with you. Take care. Hugs!