Reasons you ended a session without paying?

Still Looking's Avatar
In the last week I had TWO sessions scheduled and both were canceled after they got started. The first one was a provider that had tons of Tattoos photo shopped out of her pictures. Plus she was 30-40 lbs. heavier than pictured. No harm no foul Off to the next one. The next one while I was taking pictures I noticed an open sore bleeding from her kitty. She said she did not know it was there but stated a guy bit her two days before. Told her sorry. Call me when the kitty is heeled. Again no harm no foul. I was very nice as were both providers.

What reasons have you ended a session with out paying?
Mike Vronsky's Avatar
I told them I'm SL. They let me take pics have the session. Then they asked for the troll doll and I said - oh yeah it's in the car, let me get it!


(just kidding)
Whispers's Avatar
need to modify it to multiple choices
Still Looking's Avatar
need to modify it to multiple choices Originally Posted by Whispers
Now that you mention it.... I could have voted for all but one LOL
deerwhisperer's Avatar
you should of still paid, since they could of taken someone else during that time. If I were a guy and booked with someone and I decided to cancel a session, I would pay for the time anyway.

On the flip side, I have accidentally double booked clients before, twice. Both times I gave free make up sessions that were longer than their original time booked, to the one who agreed to come back another time.
Still Looking's Avatar
you should of still paid, since they could of taken someone else during that time. If I were a guy and booked with someone and I decided to cancel a session, I would pay for the time anyway.

On the flip side, I have accidentally double booked clients before, twice. Both times I gave free make up sessions that were longer than their original time booked, to the one who agreed to come back another time. Originally Posted by deerwhisperer

Do tell? So if a provider has crabs flying around her genitals, or a obvious open sore from some rough play or stinks like a three day dead tuna ass raped by a skunk the hobbyist is obliged to pay for her opening the door as another hobbyist might not have been bothered by the same issues?
Still Looking's Avatar
The original thread might be skewed towards hobbyists stopping the session but Ladies feel free to chime in as well. I know some ladies abruptly end sessions if certain issue arise.
The only time ive denied someone is because of hygiene issues. Asked him to shower, he did. Still smelled like he had been living in a house u see on hoarders.
deerwhisperer's Avatar
Yes SL, still pay. I would. You are backing out of the session, not her, she is losing time/money. And tip wait staff even if the service is not great.
Whispers's Avatar
Yes SL, still pay. I would. You are backing out of the session, not her, she is losing time/money. And tip wait staff even if the service is not great. Originally Posted by deerwhisperer
He is backing out of a session based on her misrepresentation of her product through misleading photos or for health reasons.

If ANYONE is owed in these situations it is the guy that wasted his time going to see a deceptive whore.
thegj's Avatar
  • thegj
  • 03-22-2015, 10:18 PM
When the person I see is clearly not the person pictured in the ad- not older or fatter- just not her. If another male is in the room and I was not told ahead of time I have left. On both occasions I never set a foot inside the door. I do not agree that I should pay if I booked with a cute young Latin lady in the photo and show up to find a Caucasian lady that looks like me.( and weighs more)
Still Looking's Avatar
Yes SL, still pay. I would. You are backing out of the session, not her, she is losing time/money. And tip wait staff even if the service is not great. Originally Posted by deerwhisperer
I did ask for the female perspective.... so I'll shut my yap and just say thank you.
M4ww2's Avatar
  • M4ww2
  • 03-23-2015, 08:19 AM
So your saying if I looked online to buy a loaded truck make an appointment to buy the loaded truck but when I show up all they have is a work truck. I should pay the price for the loaded truck and leave with the work truck singing how happy I am all the home.

Or I order a steak and get a chicken breast. They make me a steak I need to pay for both because they made the wrong thing?

If you falsely advertise who's time is really getting waisted? I want a refund on the time it took set up, go to, and find out that I wasn't getting what was advertised.
Still Looking's Avatar
So your saying if I looked online to buy a loaded truck make an appointment to buy the loaded truck but when I show up all they have is a work truck. I should pay the price for the loaded truck and leave with the work truck singing how happy I am all the home.

Or I order a steak and get a chicken breast. They make me a steak I need to pay for both because they made the wrong thing?

If you falsely advertise who's time is really getting waisted? I want a refund on the time it took set up, go to, and find out that I wasn't getting what was advertised. Originally Posted by M4ww2
Based on that line of thinking why would the pimp even need a lady there? He could just be there counting his money waiting for the next fool and when he arrives just say "Sorry Deerwhisperer couldn't make it. She caught a bad case of the walking farts. Need my money for the time you scheduled."
Yes SL, still pay. I would. You are backing out of the session, not her, she is losing time/money. And tip wait staff even if the service is not great. Originally Posted by deerwhisperer
You've got to be kidding right? Like everyone else has said, if you're advertising one thing, and I show up and you're no where near what is advertised, or, have health issues, or the incall is a shithole? I'm walking and there's no way I'm going to pay. WTF type of train of thought is that? We have every reason to back out of a session and not pay if they're pulling the BP Bait & Switch BS.

Perfect example is of the loaded truck ad and showing up and it's a POS work truck. C'mon really?