FBI Ready to indict HRC:

The FBI is ready to indict Hilary Clinton and if its recommendation isn't followed by the U.S. Attorney General the agency's investigators plan to blow the whistle and go public with their findings.


According to those in the comment section, this interview took place months ago.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Hillary will not be indicted. And no matter how the vote turns out, she will be the next POTUS. It doesn't matter who votes. What matters is who counts the votes.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
the FBI will recommend indictment, at the least, misdemeanor charge and a fine similar to General Petraeus, which ended his career, his ultimate job as CIA chief.

by Obama's order the DOJ will refuse to prosecute. it matters not. it will destroy Obama's so-called legacy (sic) and obliterate the HildeWhore's political career, as pathetic as it has been, into oblivion.

Comey, FBI Director, shall resign under protest, and release the FBI data.
the evidence alone will destroy the HildeWhore's career.

she will not renounce her illegal candidacy. the DNC, if they had any balls, would drop her. they will not. in consequence, Bernie Sanders will mount an independent campaign.

The Republicans, have already failed in mounting a conservative candidate against Trump. they have already passed the dead line for the second largest state, Texas to mount an independent candidate. Why? no potential candidate would agree to run.

this means that there will be only three candidates.

Republican = Trump
Democratic = the criminal HiledeWhore
Independent = Sanders

this will ensure the election of Donald Trump. not as President of the US, but as Emperor Donald the First, ruler of the United American Hegemony.

he will first annex Canada, without one shot fired. American Military might, surpasses Canada's by an order of magnitude. Justin Trudeau will bow to the Emperor Donald the first. and kiss his imperial ring. Canada the 2nd largest nation has 35 million people, America, the 3rd largest nation, has 330 million people. do the math. it's a non-contest.

Emperor Donald the First, shall then annex Mexico. No wall, not needed. all Mexican citizens shall be granted provisional American work visas, if they agree to pay a ten percent tax, to the United American Hegemony. they will have no choice. they will declare, they will pay.

Emperor Donald the First, ruler of the United American Hegemony, shall then annex all of South America. and they will agree. Because the United American Hegemony will lift, with the help of Canada, out of poverty both Mexico and all of South America,

in the meantime, Emperor Putin the first of the Russian Federation shall occupy all of Europe. and Emperor Donald the first shall let him. the United American Hegemony shall watch and laugh as the Russian Federation, under the rule of Putin the first, crashes and burns as Ronald Reagan the Great forced the implosion of the USSR.

meanwhile, all of Asia shall align with the United American Hegemony. except for China, who will be crushed under the economic might of the United American Hegemony. China shall capitulate and surrender to the might of the United American Hegemony, led by Emperor Donald the first.

the Russian Federation shall reject the corrupt rule of emperor Putin the first and hang him until death in Moscow Square.

the Russian Federation and the defeated European Union, led by our ally Great Britain, shall then join the United American Hegemony., making America the rulers of Planet Earth.

this is the destiny of America under the rule Emperor Donald the First. we shall then colonize the solar system, then the Galaxy, then the Universe!

with the help of the Nordics we shall destroy the Greys and usher in a New Universal Order of Earth Supremacy! it is the destiny of the United American Hegemony to rule the Universe! long live Emperor Donald the First!

and you thought it was just a movie?? ahahahahaha
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar

is this science fiction? or reality? who is Einstein? ahahahaha

you tell me
flghtr65's Avatar
It doesn't matter who votes. What matters is who counts the votes. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Is that why Bush43 beat Gore in 1999? There were those dangling chads in Florida. Perhaps they were not counted accurately.
flghtr65's Avatar
According to those in the comment section, this interview took place months ago. Originally Posted by Jackie S
The article is from January of 2016. This is May 2016. The FBI director has not confirmed that the investigation is criminal.
The article is from January of 2016. This is May 2016. The FBI director has not confirmed that the investigation is criminal. Originally Posted by flghtr65

Soros is tonguing your ass as we speak... WHO FUCKING CARES?

flghtr65's Avatar
Soros is tonguing your ass as we speak... WHO FUCKING CARES?

Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
Before you call somebody gay, go do a review and then come back and talk to us NEWBIE. Iffy, if you could get some once in a while maybe wouldn't be so stressed out all the time.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Is that why Bush43 beat Gore in 1999? There were those dangling chads in Florida. Perhaps they were not counted accurately. Originally Posted by flghtr65
Finally, Fluffy, you have posted something I can't disagree with. I also think Romney won in 2012. But it doesn't matter, because the country will go in the same direction regardless who wins. That's because what FDR said is true. "Presidents aren't elected, they are selected." We don't run the country. We haven't for decades.
Finally, Fluffy, you have posted something I can't disagree with. I also think Romney won in 2012. But it doesn't matter, because the country will go in the same direction regardless who wins. That's because what FDR said is true. "Presidents aren't elected, they are selected." We don't run the country. We haven't for decades. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy

I really doubt then whoever is running the Country selected Trump. This right here is why I think the whole Trump thing is fascinating. If Trump happens to win the Presidency where the hell are the Globalists and Elitists that are running everything. Unless a Republican nomination is one thing and actually winning the Presidency is a whole other story. I can't wait to see it all pan out though.
Soros is tonguing your ass as we speak... WHO FUCKING CARES?

Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
The article is from January of 2016. This is May 2016. The FBI director has not confirmed that the investigation is criminal. Originally Posted by flghtr65
Other than security background checks for security clearances, what other kind of investigations does the FBI conduct?
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Democrats are playing fast and loose with the rules so Joe Biden and Elizabeth Warren are waiting in the wings. Delegates? More of a suggestion really.