Arab oil again

VitaMan's Avatar
Now everyone will again have to go kiss the asses of the Arab region, and beg for increases in production.

When the USA helped the Arabs to locate the oil back in the 20's and 30's, there were many payoffs. They would come to the US on shopping trips, and go back with plenty of stuff paid for by others.

I think they sold the oil for around 10 cents a barrel or something like that. And still made millions of millions.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Now everyone will again have to go kiss the asses of the Arab region, and beg for increases in production.

When the USA helped the Arabs to locate the oil back in the 20's and 30's, there were many payoffs. They would come to the US on shopping trips, and go back with plenty of stuff paid for by others.

I think they sold the oil for around 10 cents a barrel or something like that. And still made millions of millions. Originally Posted by VitaMan
if you say so Lawrence of Arabia

VitaMan's Avatar
a nice night for a troll
HedonistForever's Avatar
Word is that the Biden administration is looking into easing sanctions on Venezuela so that we can stop buying oil from Russia but worse than that, buy oil from Iran, you know, the guys that chant "death to America" and of course sending Kamala to get on her knees where she does some of her best diplomacy to beg that Saudi Arabia make up the short fall that America created when they lost their minds to the John Kerry lunatics that for some reason think that buying and burning other countries oil is some how different that burning our own.

How is that for an evil trifecta, Iran, Venezuela and Saudi Arabia. And get this, just when the Biden people think they have struck another unbelievably stupid deal with Iran for their oil, Russia, who just happens to be sitting at the negotiating table of the Iran deal, said, "not so fast, we would like you to lift sanctions on Russia first".

What a cluster fuck but that's nothing new for this administration.

Joe Biden would literally rather make a deal with the devil than drill for another barrel of oil in America.

Nov. can't get here fast enough.
VitaMan's Avatar
Blame it on Joe
HedonistForever's Avatar
Blame it on Joe Originally Posted by VitaMan

Shutting down America's energy sector only to beg other bad actors to help us out? Yeah, that's all on Joe. This invasion means prices were going to go up anyway but anybody want to make the case that more oil on the market from America wouldn't make a difference in those prices because it has always been, more oil available, lower prices. In this case they are going to be higher than ever but AGAIN, that doesn't mean Biden didn't fuck up and continues to fuck up praying at the feet of John Kerry and his merry band of lunatics.
... Biden HAS to do this - He and his son are OWNED
by China and Russia. ... Wait 'till Putin tells
Venezuela to shut off the oil to the US.
Wait 'till Iran and the Saudis decide to bend Joe over.

You think the vision of Biden cryin' at the podium over
his shitty decisions in Afghanistan was something?

I surely fear that we aint seen anything yet!

#### Salty
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
VitaMan's Avatar
Now that your trolling partner has fallen, you will have to try and soldier on by yourself.
lustylad's Avatar
Now that your trolling partner has fallen, you will have to try and soldier on by yourself. Originally Posted by VitaMan
Wow... talk about the pot calling the kettle black!

At least Waco has shown an ability to post substantive and substantiated non-trollish arguments in a light-hearted way.

All you can do is duck, cut & run like a troll at the first sign of any serious pushback.

But hey, let us know anytime you miss bam's bitch-slapping and we'll try to deliver for ya.
Biden looked SOOOOO cool signing all of those Executive Orders during his first days.
All of the Liberal/Socialist/ProgressiveDemocrat Minions were applauding with glee.

Old, senile, stupid inept, corrupt lying piece of shit and his minions got what they wanted.

Happy now?
VitaMan's Avatar

At least Waco has shown an ability to post substantive and substantiated non-trollish arguments in a light-hearted way.

But hey, let us know anytime you miss bam's bitch-slapping and we'll try to deliver for ya. Originally Posted by lustylad
Are you talking about the 2000+ posts that only contain "if you say so". If that is substantive for you, so be it.

Good luck with your delivery service. Hope gas prices don't get you down.

Bam is gone. He won't be missed.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Couldn't we just put a pipe line between us and a North American country with an Arab at the same time? Oh wait, we already had, but it got shit canned. Come on man...

lustylad's Avatar
Hope gas prices don't get you down. Originally Posted by VitaMan
Not to worry, there's a silver lining in every dim-retard dark cloud. Hope your impending shellacking at the polls this November doesn't get you down.