Wimp Factor

Fast Gunn's Avatar
Do you think Mitt Romney has a serious wimp factor working against him?

Newsweek is posing the question in this week's edition of the magazine.

Is he too insecure to be President of the United States?

. . . Do we want a mouse in the White House?

Ducbutter's Avatar
'Cause Obama is so macho, and thick skinned.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Hey he personally went to kill Osama we even have pictures of him looking strong and powerful sitting around afterward.
Fast Gunn's Avatar
You really have a short memory, don't you?

Do you remember what President managed to orchestrate Operation Neptune's Spear that took down Osama Bin Laden after he escaped for over a decade?

Do you think that was easy?

. . . The previous string of President's with all types of resources still did not even know what fucking country that deceptive terrorist was hiding in, much less take him down!
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I don't think we have a choice. We will have a wimp for President if either the Democrat or Republican wins.

The "Wimp" factor is a wash.
Fast Gunn's Avatar
Once again you show us how your feeble and warped mind, such as it is, "works".

. . . You're totally off-base with that assessment, but you're consistent!

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Tell you what, FastGoon, if you can explain how Obama is not a wimp, and how Romney is, without saying "bin Laden', you'll win a cookie. OK? This is a limited time offer, so act fast!
Goonfuck, romney could whip you with 1 arm tied behind his back...fucker
Fast Gunn's Avatar

Mitt Romney taking me on?

You must be joking!

That wienie would be too afraid of mussing up his blow-dried hair to take me on unless he had a goon squad to back him up.

. . . I could drop that pussy like a flowery sack of dirt with you and the old gizzard for good measure!

Ducbutter's Avatar
You really have a short memory, don't you?

Do you remember what President managed to orchestrate Operation Neptune's Spear that took down Osama Bin Laden after he escaped for over a decade?

Do you think that was easy?

. . . The previous string of President's with all types of resources still did not even know what fucking country that deceptive terrorist was hiding in, much less take him down!
Originally Posted by Fast Gunn

Dude, sending someone else into harm's way does not a macho man make. Nor does having the intelligence devoloped that led to the raid when that put others at risk in doing so.
I do however, give the president full credit for keeping up the hunt. It woulda been real easy to say,"Aw fuck it." Good on him there.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I'd pay a dollar to watch that. FastGoon v Romney, that is.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Isn't FastGoon's Obama worship just cute? I mean, he really believes that crap.

Mitt Romney taking me on?

You must be joking!

That wienie would be too afraid of mussing up his blow-dried hair to take me on unless he had a goon squad to back him up.

. . . I could drop that pussy like a flowery sack of dirt with you and the old gizzard for good measure!

Originally Posted by Fast Gunn
Now you know you can't use you mouth...fucker
gfejunkie's Avatar
Just a few short weeks ago Romney was a "bully".
Now he's a "wimp"?

Which is it? You can't have it both ways.

Lib desperation.... Pathetic!

Guest123018-4's Avatar
I do find it rather amusing how desperate they are to find something, anything.