my phone was stolen yesterday in starbucks !!! plz read if appt scheduled or a reg

I had my phone on table at starbucks turned my back a min and it was gone, however my phone was locked,no one can access my info or anything on it, had an app on it that if lost or stolen i could wipe it out by signing on my email account n deleting everything, i have been w/o phone 2 days, will b back on tmrw morning, m sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused in appt i had scheduled, pls reschedule, hope to see u soon, kisses
People will do anything for that caffeine fix. )
People will do anything for that caffeine fix. ) Originally Posted by Greg58
Yes they will, lol
I had my phone on table at starbucks turned my back a min and it was gone, however my phone was locked,no one can access my info or anything on it, had an app on it that if lost or stolen i could wipe it out by signing on my email account n deleting everything, i have been w/o phone 2 days, will b back on tmrw morning, m sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused in appt i had scheduled, pls reschedule, hope to see u soon, kisses Originally Posted by Kiraxxx
Good thing is phone was locked so the only way someone can get in it is by resetting it which will wipe my phone clean, so ANYTHING i have in there will b gone, i will have new phone tmrw morning thankfully, hope i can restore all my numbers to it thru google. Sorry for any inconvenience it may cause anyone ,i dont know anyother way to get clients to know what happened other then posting here, thank u all,
Stay safe, Stay sweet, Stay sexy
KISSES from kira
Sorry to hear about your phone being stolen. It is just one hell if an inconvenience as well as a pain in the ass. Let me know if I can do anything to help you .
Sorry to hear about your phone being stolen. It is just one hell if an inconvenience as well as a pain in the ass. Let me know if I can do anything to help you . Originally Posted by RODOSH
Thanx so much love, i dont think i will need it but gonna pick it up at upd tmrw, god willing
I just have no way to cancel scheduled appts idw waste anyones time bc i hate?when done to me...
Got my phone back !!! Sorry for inconvenience. ...
Highwayman64's Avatar
Hope it was only picked up by mistake or something like that, glad you have it back.
Hope it was only picked up by mistake or something like that, glad you have it back. Originally Posted by Highwayman64
Think it was bc i went back to same Starbucks week later when i could get a ride so so far from my area n they had it behind counter, i couldn't believe it, alb/hud valley is amazing bc nyc i woulda never even went back to check but freind of mine picked me up n said "just try,whats it hurt" so i went n there it was, so the new one i had bought to replace it ,i was able to return n spend on other things, i have a renewed faith in ppl. Kisses