CRUZ IS A CANADIAN CITIZEN -- So why haven't any of you fuckers brought THIS up yet?

Yssup Rider's Avatar

The fucker's a Canadian. Period. TO THE CURB WITH HIM!

Cruz Renounces Canadian Citizenship Amid 2016 Speculation
By Greg Giroux - Aug 19, 2013 11:02 PM CT

Republican U.S. Senator Ted Cruz of Texas is renouncing his Canadian citizenship, removing a potential distraction to a possible 2016 presidential campaign.

Cruz, 42, was born in Calgary to an American mother, automatically making him a U.S. citizen. The Dallas Morning News reported Aug. 18 that Cruz also automatically became a citizen of Canada upon his birth. The newspaper posted a copy of Cruz’s birth certificate in a story on its website.

“Because I was a U.S. citizen at birth, because I left Calgary when I was 4 and have lived my entire life since then in the U.S., and because I have never taken affirmative steps to claim Canadian citizenship, I assumed that was the end of the matter,” Cruz said yesterday in a statement, according to the Austin American-Statesman newspaper.

“Now the Dallas Morning News says that I may technically have dual citizenship. Assuming that is true, then sure, I will renounce any Canadian citizenship,” Cruz said. “Nothing against Canada, but I’m an American by birth and as a U.S. Senator, I believe I should be only an American.”
The U.S. Constitution says that “no person except a natural born citizen, or a citizen of the United States,” may be eligible for the presidency. The Constitution doesn’t specify what the term “natural born citizen” means, and it doesn’t address dual citizenship.

The president must also be at least 35 years old and have resided within the U.S. for at least 14 years.

Obama’s Birthplace
In April 2011, President Barack Obama released a copy of his long-form birth certificate in response to what he said was “silliness” by some political opponents who doubted he had been born a U.S. citizen. Obama, 52, was born in Honolulu, Hawaii, to an American mother and a Kenyan father.
So-called birthers questioning Obama’s citizenship -- and thus his eligibility to serve as president -- included billionaire businessman Donald Trump, who flirted with a bid for the 2012 Republican presidential nomination.

Trump, in an interview broadcast Aug. 11 on ABC’s “This Week,” said “perhaps not” when asked whether he viewed Cruz as eligible to be president.
Obama’s Republican opponent in the 2008 presidential race, Senator John McCain, 76, of Arizona, was born of American parents in the Panama Canal Zone, prompting some to question whether he met the definition of “natural born citizen.”

Cruz’s father was a Cuban citizen who fled the country in 1957 and studied at the University of Texas. He and his wife were working in the oil business in Canada when their son was born. The elder Cruz became a U.S. citizen in 2005.

Iowa Visits
The younger Cruz has made political visits this year to Iowa and South Carolina, two states that traditionally hold early nomination contests in presidential election years. He is set to appear Aug. 23 in New Hampshire, the state that traditionally holds the first presidential primary.

Cruz was elected to the Senate in 2012, defeating a more politically experienced Republican in the party primary with the help of Tea Party activists who want to curb spending, taxes and government regulations.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 08-20-2013, 01:42 PM
shit, let him run ... Run Ted, RUN !
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
He renounced, so the Demotards could get trounced.
Now that the main Republican is Hispanic,
the Democrats lose their control over the body politic.
The liberals brains are filled with maggots,
everyone knows that they are..

An original Haiku for you:

Liberals like shit
It goes down easy after
Suckee suck off dick
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
How many postings have we already had on this topic? A dozen, two dozen? The title posted says it all and confirms what I said already.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 08-20-2013, 02:32 PM
He renounced, so the Demotards could get trounced.
Now that the main Republican is Hispanic,
the Democrats lose their control over the body politic.
The liberals brains are filled with maggots,
everyone knows that they are..

An original Haiku for you:

Liberals like shit
It goes down easy after
Suckee suck off dick Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer

like the teabagger trounced Harry Reid ??

run Teddie
LexusLover's Avatar
Trashing Cruz's "citizenship" might not be a good strategy for the Democrats (or the Republicans).

If he is not a U.S. citizen then he shouldn't run for the office. Period.
I'm not worried about Ted's citizenship . . . I just want my money back for having to pay his health insurance costs for all of his adult life.

Based on his resume and employment history on the "dole" (as we old pharts were taught to use the word), it appears that I'm due a pretty sizable check! (Don't worry, I'll be glad to share the proceeds with all you . . .)

Note to the Tea Party folks . . . I'll be on your side when you actually have someone representing you that has something/anything in common with you other than words. The list of frauds from Dick Armey thru Cruz is a complete rejection of the concept of "grass roots".

Give me a Christie/Rubio ticket on the Republican side and you might have a chance at my vote.

Carry on . . .
I'm not worried about Ted's citizenship . . . I just want my money back for having to pay his health insurance costs for all of his adult life.

Based on his resume and employment history on the "dole" (as we old pharts were taught to use the word), it appears that I'm due a pretty sizable check! (Don't worry, I'll be glad to share the proceeds with all you . . .)

Note to the Tea Party folks . . . I'll be on your side when you actually have someone representing you that has something/anything in common with you other than words. The list of frauds from Dick Armey thru Cruz is a complete rejection of the concept of "grass roots".

Give me a Christie/Rubio ticket on the Republican side and you might have a chance at my vote.

Carry on . . . Originally Posted by MooneyFlyer
We don't need your vote. So FUCK OFF...
Ted Cruz is more American than Obama.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
How many postings have we already had on this topic? A dozen, two dozen? The title posted says it all and confirms what I said already. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
If there's been a dozen postings on it, SWINE, then why did Cruzz just come out with his grand pronouncement today? You fuckers are clairvoyant!

Maybe because he's being pressured to prove his loyalty to America.

What a pandering craggercrogger he is.

But I'm sure you've got a picture of his JUNK!

LexusLover's Avatar
But I'm sure you've got a picture of his JUNK!
Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
I didn't. But she does look like a nice lady.
Ted Cruz 2016! Ted Cruz 2016! Ted Cruz 2016! Ted Cruz 2016! Ted Cruz 2016! Ted Cruz 2016! Ted Cruz 2016! Ted Cruz 2016! Ted Cruz 2016! Ted Cruz 2016! Ted Cruz 2016! Ted Cruz 2016! Ted Cruz 2016! Ted Cruz 2016! Ted Cruz 2016! Ted Cruz 2016! Ted Cruz 2016! Ted Cruz 2016! Ted Cruz 2016! Ted Cruz 2016! Ted Cruz 2016! Ted Cruz 2016! Ted Cruz 2016! Ted Cruz 2016! Ted Cruz 2016! Ted Cruz 2016! Ted Cruz 2016! Ted Cruz 2016! Ted Cruz 2016! Ted Cruz 2016! Ted Cruz 2016! Ted Cruz 2016!
LNK's Avatar
  • LNK
  • 08-20-2013, 07:25 PM
Seriously? What an inflamed, suppurating boil on the buttocks of this site.
Ted Cruz para ser la candidatura a la presidencia de los U.S.A. Tiempo de excepcionalidad para volver y el comunismo a desaparecer.
Ted Cruz 2016! Ted Cruz 2016! Ted Cruz 2016! Ted Cruz 2016! Ted Cruz 2016! Ted Cruz 2016! Ted Cruz 2016! Ted Cruz 2016! Ted Cruz 2016! Ted Cruz 2016! Ted Cruz 2016! Ted Cruz 2016! Ted Cruz 2016! Ted Cruz 2016! Ted Cruz 2016! Ted Cruz 2016! Ted Cruz 2016! Ted Cruz 2016! Ted Cruz 2016! Ted Cruz 2016! Ted Cruz 2016! Ted Cruz 2016! Ted Cruz 2016! Ted Cruz 2016! Ted Cruz 2016! Ted Cruz 2016! Ted Cruz 2016! Ted Cruz 2016! Ted Cruz 2016! Ted Cruz 2016! Ted Cruz 2016! Ted Cruz 2016!