Rep. Tulsi Gabbard - maybe not such a rising star for the Dems anymore

Religious cults and threats of decapitation will do that to you.

I don't know where to begin with this one:


Fun quote:

"The nature of Tulsi Gabbard’s ties to Butler’s group are less clear. In its profile of the congresswoman’s father, Honolulu Magazine noted he described himself as Catholic. When Honolulu Magazine asked the elder Gabbard about his ties to Butler’s Hare Krishna sect, the publication said it received a reply from Tulsi Gabbard accusing them of pursuing the story because they opposed her father’s work fighting same-sex marriage.
“I smell a skunk,” Tulsi Gabbard wrote, according to the magazine. “It’s clear to me that you’re acting as a conduit for The Honolulu Weekly and other homosexual extremist supporters of Ed Case.”
Hare Krishna is based on Hindu scriptures including the Bhagavad Gita. Gabbard describes herself as Hindu and, in January, she was sworn in on the Bhagavad Gita. Gabbard said she chose the book because it led her on a “spiritual journey.”
“I was raised in a multiracial, multicultural, multi-faith family. My mother is Hindu; my father is a Catholic lector in his church who also practices mantra meditation. I began to grapple with questions of spirituality as a teenager,” Gabbard said, according to the Huffington Post. “Over time, I came to believe that, at its essence, religion gives us a deeper purpose in life than just living for ourselves. Since I was a teenager, I embraced this spiritual journey through the teachings of the Bhagavad Gita.”

She should give agnosticism or atheisim a chance.

And the guy that's threatening her? Ooooh, he's a doozy:

"According to a story by the news website Hawaii Reporter earlier this month, Sherbow sent an email to the FBI on Aug. 2 in which he threatened to decapitate Gabbard.
“I, Aniruddha Sherbow, with the Divine as my witness, do hereby solemnly vow to find Tulsi Gabbard, wheresoever she may be, and to sever her head from her body,” Sherbow wrote, according to an excerpt of the email published by the Hawaii Reporter."

Maybe he should give agnosticism or atheism a chance, too.
JCM800's Avatar
Sherbow is nothing more than just a crazy obsessed stalker.

but hey, on a side note ...she is hot.

Pink Floyd's Avatar
Ah religious extremism, the root of all the worlds problems.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I posted her photo a couple of months ago. She may be the best that the democrats have. Don't worry about religious extremism from her, she is a democrat. They can be socialists, communists, satan worshippers, radical muslims, or radically transgender and they can still win office.
they can even be sexual predators and Democrats don't care...........think Bill Clinton.