In the Spirit of Christmas

taste_tester's Avatar
Though I have been around eccie (and ASPD) for a good while, I've never been a particularly prolific poster (obviously). However, as this Christmas approaches, I'm asking everyone to give me just a few minutes of your day.

I expect that this year economically has been as up and down for most of y'all as it has been for me. However, regardless of how tough times have been lately, I am always thankful that I live in Texas and that I (usually) earn enough to keep a nice roof over my head and enjoy life with good friends and family. With that feeling of thanks comes the realization that even here in Austin there are many that aren't quite so fortunate.

For the past few years I've donated to the Holiday fundraiser that Whispers organizes here on the board. Having organized fundraisers and other events when I was younger, I understand that huge amount of work and time involved in this endeavor. Yesterday, after just getting back in town, I managed to run over to Bone Daddy's and donate what I could to this year's event. That's when I realized how slowly the fundraising was going compared to years past.

There are numerous reasons for this, not the least of which is a late start. Whatever the reasons though, I am asking anyone that reads this and that has not donated to just take a moment and consider doing so. This fundraiser actually directly affects young people in our immediate community and 100% of the funds raised pass through to them. You can't say that about most donations these days. While I realize that it may not be tax deductible, they aren't asking for a tithe.

Gentlemen, just consider buying an extra $25 or $50 gift card the next time that you are checking out at the grocery store and dropping it by one of the collection points. (see this link for collection points: For many of us (but I realize not all), that is something that we can afford and I hope that it would give you a good feeling knowing that you made a local youngster's holiday special. And believe me, those smaller donations can add up quite quickly. Also, as an extra side benefit, you'll get a raffle ticket (one for every $25 donated) to possibly win some time with one of the incredible ladies on the board. And that would give you more good feelings!

And ladies, donating just one appointment time can pay dividends. Not only do you also get the possiblity of winning a prize, but you get some extra advertisement and can possibly realize an increase in business. Last year I won an hour FBSM massage from one of the ladies on the board that performs them (Mia Christine). In all the years I've hobbied, I'd never considered partaking of that aspect of our community (always been a GFE advocate). After my one winning session with Christine, I found myself going back several times (definitely a return on her investment).

Okay, so I've rambled on enough. For those that read this and actually consider donating (whether you do or not), thank you for your time.