I come from the view that prostitution should be legal and there are ways to do that without the legislature involved. Colorado is an example of how you can effectively make something legal by gaining ballot access. Just like they did with *Staff Edit - JCM which is bringing in hundreds of millions of dollars in potential revenue as well as increasing opportunities for commercial and industrial landords and developers.
Prostitution is not dangerous to anyone. Sex with most "professional" prostitutes is likely to be less risky as far as STI/STD's than casual sex. In Nevada for example there has not been a case of any ladies who work at the brothels as independent contractors of having an std and they are medically supervised weekly.
Businesses that could provide these services could be licensed, supervised and taxed thus creating revenue that can go to schools, or something else. They could be limited to certain areas, and restricted to use of marketing, advertising and even operating hours. In Nevada the counties allowed to have brothels have to be under 750,000 people in population.
Non brothel girls could also essentially get licensed and have medical supervision as well but it would have to be studied.
It would be much safer for everyone to have some degree of safety and security that would protect them. The guys who go to brothels have to be over 18 so Im sure some get carded but there is no reason to ask for ID other than this. No records would be kept except for the women in the business and only a way to cross reference. Secured databases could be used to protect ones identity.
Think about Police vice units that could be transferred to working counter terror or violent crimes. Would it be better to target violent offenders and lock them up or bust some guy just wanting a blowjob and ruining his business opportunities and family life.
#15 - There is no place in our forums for the general discussion or speculation of illicit drug use. This is to be considered a forbidden topic and mention of it will be removed.