We were wrong says the man who coined the term Islamophobia.

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Trevor Phillips of England says that he and his people were completely wrong about the incoming invasion of Muslims into Europe. Back in 1997 they believed that Muslims would modify their behavior and become less religious, less radical, and more western over time. They believed that population growth would be less than 1 million in England (it is actually 2 million) and like the Indians, Muslims would assimilate into Englishmen. Didn't happen. Disrespect for western women has lead to massive rape crimes, murders in the streets, and a lack of cooperation for law enforcement. He group also put out the idea that anyone who did not accept what they said in 97 was racist and not deserving of being listened to. The biggest problem according to Phillips is that the media has fooled themselves into holding the line at the lie. The media still casts critics of Muslim immigration as Islamophobics and racists without proof.


So what do we do now? I guess Donald Trump was right and EVERYONE else was wrong.

We all need to take this course...

  • DSK
  • 04-10-2016, 01:36 PM
Trevor Phillips of England says that he and his people were completely wrong about the incoming invasion of Muslims into Europe. Back in 1997 they believed that Muslims would modify their behavior and become less religious, less radical, and more western over time. They believed that population growth would be less than 1 million in England (it is actually 2 million) and like the Indians, Muslims would assimilate into Englishmen. Didn't happen. Disrespect for western women has lead to massive rape crimes, murders in the streets, and a lack of cooperation for law enforcement. He group also put out the idea that anyone who did not accept what they said in 97 was racist and not deserving of being listened to. The biggest problem according to Phillips is that the media has fooled themselves into holding the line at the lie. The media still casts critics of Muslim immigration as Islamophobics and racists without proof.


So what do we do now? I guess Donald Trump was right and EVERYONE else was wrong. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
As long as they chop the heads off of all the faggots first, then the liberals, I'll wait to say I told you so.

Considering what the Muslims believe and say out loud, if it were said by a white man, the liberals would have them put in jail!!!
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Biggest problem with immigration is the failure to assimilate.
If you do not want to assimilate go back to the shithole you came from and stop trying to turn a almost decent place into the shithole you left. That goes for all you Yankees and libtards from California when you come to Texas because you fucked up the ability of people to operate a business and now are seeking work in a place like The Great State of Texas due to your own stupidity.
Yeah right, I want this guy for my next door neighbor...

The Sheikh begins by stuffing sand down the man's mouth, as the police officers restrain the victim. Then he fires bullets from an automatic rifle around him as the man howls incomprehensibly. At another point on the tape, the Sheikh can be seen telling the cameraman to come closer. "Get closer. Get closer. Get closer. Let his suffering show," the Sheikh says.

Over the course of the tape, Sheikh Issa acts in an increasingly sadistic manner. He uses an electric cattle prod against the man's testicles and inserts it in his anus. At another point, as the man wails in pain, the Sheikh pours lighter fluid on the man's testicles and sets them aflame. Then the tape shows the Sheikh sorting through some wooden planks. "I remember there was one that had a nail in it," he says on the tape. The Sheikh then pulls down the pants of the victim and repeatedly strikes him with board and its protruding nail.

At one point, he puts the nail next to the man's buttocks and bangs it through the flesh. "Where's the salt," asks the Sheikh as he pours a large container of salt on to the man's bleeding wounds. The victim pleads for mercy, to no avail. The final scene on the tape shows the Sheikh positioning his victim on the desert sand and then driving over him repeatedly. A sound of breaking bones can be heard on the tape.

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Yeah right, I want this guy for my next door neighbor...


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NZw1lfOhJu4&nohtml5 Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
Fuckin' A bubba IFFY fellow American!

  • DSK
  • 04-14-2016, 08:06 AM
Biggest problem with immigration is the failure to assimilate.
If you do not want to assimilate go back to the shithole you came from and stop trying to turn a almost decent place into the shithole you left. That goes for all you Yankees and libtards from California when you come to Texas because you fucked up the ability of people to operate a business and now are seeking work in a place like The Great State of Texas due to your own stupidity. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
Amen to that. It would be nice if we could actually admit people to the United States who make a large contribution before entering, and sign an acknowledgement they will not be able to partake of any government programs for ten years. Then, they would contribute or leave.

Instead, we seem to be admitting people who hate the country and want to take over and change it to Mohammedism.
So it took the brits two decades to figure out what we learned in one day. Dumbasses.

How long do you think it will take the Germans? Greece finally has people in the country that maybe, just maybe, may be willing to work so they'll probably hold out to the last sliver of hope.

It sure is fun watching these fucks eat crow now though, can't wait to watch the others eating their big ol plate full!