desperatly needs attorney for her kids,children
OVER enforcement of visatation
as well as a paternity tests for both my boyus especially the baby
Need attorney for legal issue over them as well as concult.
Father has custody i gave up rights overyear ago should not have i was a fool an was threatedned to never see them again if i didint sighn divorce an custody papers, a whole year havent seen kids like i should be a ble
My kids are in bartlesville,ok children kids samething to me as well as they look malnurised depressed an skinny an i tryu send food to them yet there father thows all things in trash i was sending pediasure he had taking a way a pool from them fopr my babys birthday an made them go without ccoats for winter cuz it was from there mother.
I am desperate to have my boys treated like royalty an kings they are being abused by there father and i am so hurt un RELIEVED of this pain sadness i am barely surviving an getting by letalone to help them they are starving along with having (0) customers no LIE!!!!!!!!!! I havent got my massage licence down again yet i will once im settled moved after divorce had allmy sruff in storage for a couple years need someone help me mpve it all im back close to 400 i opew storage an need move my stuff wanta setup a nice house for my boys 8 an 10 then have visiatation later they decide they wanna be treated like kings i will give tyhem everythiong good!
Please pray for us as well get word out for my massages an modeling for gifts/donations i put free do to legality issuees as well as not being licenced im asking for a million donation or $555,555,555, for my heartache loss of everything i own besides some instorage we my boyus an i losrt oue house car and about 7 years of family together I AM SO HURT!!!!!!!!!!!! I am starting a site for them it will be up soon for donations to be dropped off at a addreess in bartelsville or where ever i move maybe ark maybe OKC....... Need a moving truck an sopmeone to drive an help move it or pay a moving company as well as help gettin a house or 2-4 bedrm apt please invest in me my cause an put end to my babies suffering.
i miss my babies so much they are going without food an a mothers love like no other an no amount money take away or more inportatnt than my babies an there health an happiness please please im begging bilging
an my site is www.savanahsummernights.yolasi check it out then as well you want make a professional site for me GREAT!!!!!!
I am need a cartruck automatic will take a scooter small great as well as a laptop with cd drive.
all apprciated will have childrens fund up soon, teddybear fund or something for them,
Id have them invested in for actong or modeling for calvincline or other christian modeling they are so smart an need og love i want to be loved famopus what ever makes them happy io love them so much!!! pray for them thay donnt go wiothout food an their nasty father that justius is made an they are healed from abuse and hurt.
ps: im in oklahoma near cowaeta will want to relocate 1st of june any volunterrs.
918-332-1444 have new phone soon.
that having myu babies adopted or sheltered in with their aunt who is wealthy an loving...........if that made them happy an if i couldnt take them.
Loving svanah Summer nights
come get a massage by savanah
yeah an i remeber some times my baby wen id visit wouldawake screaming from his dreams and would piss on himself on coach father would do noything he was so drunk he would vomit an vomit an just keep drinking it was alful he still drinks everytnight believe they were sexually abiused and emotionally an physically......its terrible. HURT MOM!!!!ps may 18th was my sons birthday he is * 8 very sad!