Who wants

yourdesire's Avatar
To join me on a ghost hunt? I'm going to head that way soon. A little fun while I'm here in Springfield
ClarityE's Avatar
To join me on a ghost hunt? I'm going to head that way soon. A little fun while I'm here in Springfield Originally Posted by yourdesire

Sounds interesting, but I wouldn't be able to do it. But I am interesting in hearing about the ghost hunt.
yourdesire's Avatar
It actually got changed to tomorrow night because they have to have a minimum of eight people to do the tour
DallasRain's Avatar
i went on one in New Orleans when I lived there..was fun!!!

I didnt know they had them in Springfield..cool
yourdesire's Avatar
Yes Dallas they have been Springfield at the castle.
yourdesire's Avatar
Sounds interesting, but I wouldn't be able to do it. But I am interesting in hearing about the ghost hunt. Originally Posted by ClarityE
Clarity I'm glad you made it after all it was a pleasure meeting you.
DallasRain's Avatar
Ive been there but not to hunt ghosts hmmmm sounds fun!!
yourdesire's Avatar
D it was cool info but no ghosts for me to see lol
DallasRain's Avatar
aww you want real ghost hunting,go to new orleans..when i luved therr i lived in a house tgat was rumored to be haunted

If youre in town this coming week,holler at me,i will be home

safe travels sexy!!
yourdesire's Avatar
I will definitely holler at you and I'm considering it to be honest. I still can't get in my house yet this is getting old so I just might decide to go to Springfield for a little bit
CatMan4u's Avatar