I created an account on here just to warn you guys. Sorry I知 not a great user of eccie, but felt this was important enough to post here even if I only post once.
This girl robbed me once and tried to do it a second time.
She will tell the caller that she needs the cash up front to rent a room for the encounter. She値l tell you that she痴 going to use the room for the next 24 hours and can make more money with it. She値l call it an investment because she値l basically be spending what I paid her by getting it all on a room.
She will have you meet on one side of a hotel, she値l come meet you and take the money claiming to go secure a room. She will seem very sincere. But she will ghost you, block your number, and run off with your money.
This happened to me with her about six months ago (that痴 on me) and I thought I壇 give her a second chance but being much more careful this time. I got a new number, she did not realize it was me this second time around and she tried to steal from me again. As soon as I questioned her about what exactly she was trying to do, she immediately took off and blocked my number again.
She goes by many different names: Becca, Danni, and Tia
She has used the following phone numbers 417.631.4598, 417.893.0144, 209.588.7555
She recently deleted all of her most recent posts in an effort to lay low I guess, however here are some of her ads so you can see who she is.