I will Rob you

Seen this so letting everyone know. Warning

I think your allowed to post in the review section being you did show up and was inside the room
rosario2010's Avatar
Not cool
rosario2010's Avatar
I’m in skip the game I post there it’s really crazy people there be careful guys
Jjsunday's Avatar
I think your allowed to post in the review section being you did show up and was inside the room Originally Posted by bc1969
I agree with BC you called met and got fucked sound like it should be in the review section.....I would do it if it was me more guys will see it....
Is this an old beef? I think i remember seeing something like this about her a couple months ago.
Yep guess she is still cashin n dashin looking for a quick buck think this is the 3rd time this has been brought up bouncing from town to town

There was a chick a while back doing it from mobile to Pensacola once they have been outed they move to a new location let things cool and come back

Best thing to do is keep it posted or I don’t know if they will let us do a sticky for these frauds ?? But at the least keep the info flowing best we can do
Just trying to keep everyone inform of this POS. She stole my money a couple of months ago
Like how some of her ads read that there is another provider that doesn’t like her and is posting it up ... prob so but I doubt it as Rvic you and I know a couple others have been taken for !
Women like her make it bad for the others that are actually providing an awesome service.