did Indians use money ?

VitaMan's Avatar
There were hundreds, or maybe thousands, of different tribes in North America and elsewhere. The picture is they spent most of their time hanging around their teepees, and when they had a chance to get a buffalo, that's what they did. Or they packed up and went searching for a buffalo. No real use for money.

Today, practically every encounter we have involves money. And if you don't have money, you will become desperate and homeless in a short period of time. Do any of us know how to hunt for food ?

But maybe that's what we need for progress. Desperation and necessity are the mothers of invention. The need for money has made us progress.
boardman's Avatar
Did you ever walk into a hardware store or look at a Grainger catalog and wonder why there was so much stuff?

Bartering would be impossible today. How would you find the guy that has the drill bits you need and is willing to take your beaver furs from you...Grainger has no need for corn.

So a common form of currency becomes the standard. It's something everyone wants because everyone else will accept it as payment. Prior to the 70's the standard was gold. Now, money isn't worth the paper it's printed on and coins have very little if any actual precious metal.

The indians actually did have forms of currency. They would carry specific types of shells that were useful for making fishhooks(functional for most tribes) and carving into beads(aesthetically pleasing as well as a show of wealth and therefore power). These had a common value, as did obsidian and flint for tools, and sharp points for spears and bolts. The items were typically small and lightweight so they could be easily transported.

Slitlikr's Avatar
You never heard of wampum???

It sure as hell bought a lot of squaw pussy back in the day.
MarcellusWalluz's Avatar
I think I would be fine if paper currency were to become worthless. I've watched a few episodes of Man vs Wild & if push came to shove I wouldn't hesitate to dust off my Daisy Red Rider™
VitaMan's Avatar
I guess the modern version is "We whomped em"

Their healthcare system was not the greatest. Just a dancing medicine man.

If you get rid of the Redskins, you have to get rid of the Chiefs...maybe the Braves too...at least get rid of the stadium chants
You left out the Cleveland Indians...
Russ38's Avatar
Nowadays they have casinos....looks like it worked out for them in the end.....
boardman's Avatar
Nowadays they have casinos....looks like it worked out for them in the end..... Originally Posted by Russ38
VitaMan's Avatar
Who came up with that idea anyway ?
aznlvr11's Avatar
There were hundreds, or maybe thousands, of different tribes in North America and elsewhere. The picture is they spent most of their time hanging around their teepees, and when they had a chance to get a buffalo, that's what they did. Or they packed up and went searching for a buffalo. No real use for money.

Today, practically every encounter we have involves money. And if you don't have money, you will become desperate and homeless in a short period of time. Do any of us know how to hunt for food ?

But maybe that's what we need for progress. Desperation and necessity are the mothers of invention. The need for money has made us progress. Originally Posted by VitaMan

you obviously haven't done your homework. the american indians didn't use money in the way you probably think of it. some tribes did trade items with others.
Who came up with that idea anyway ? Originally Posted by VitaMan
Someone bet someone else it would work...and it did!!
The mother of invention...a bet.