
I hear lots about where to go. any expereince?
bank of america(current mortage)
golden oaks
credit uniion kansas city?
community american credit union
quicken loans?
Enchanterlingum's Avatar
Anybody but BOA or Wells Fargo. Mainstreet credit union is in the 3's, regardless of term.
Anybody but BOA or Wells Fargo. Mainstreet credit union is in the 3's, regardless of term. Originally Posted by Enchanterlingum
why not BOA?
My mortage is with BOA currently and I talked to them about refinacing and they want stuff that makes no sense.
yeah BOA is out.
I'm talking with golden oaks and Im gonna get a rate about 2.8
but can you explain how
2.8% rate is actually 3.4% APR?

Thats pretty much what they told me for a 30yr mortage and I dont understand those numbers
mojoworkin's Avatar
You should probably consult with an attorney or mortgage specialist. I wouldn't seek advice from any knucklehead that chimes in on a hooker board. Just my 2 cents.
Cleo's Avatar
  • Cleo
  • 05-22-2016, 08:20 PM
You should probably consult with an attorney or mortgage specialist. I wouldn't seek advice from any knucklehead that chimes in on a hooker board. Just my 2 cents. Originally Posted by mojoworkin
+1 LOL! And here I was feeling like I was the only one thinking it.
Enchanterlingum's Avatar
You should probably consult with an attorney or mortgage specialist. I wouldn't seek advice from any knucklehead that chimes in on a hooker board. Just my 2 cents. Originally Posted by mojoworkin
He's living up to his name. What more do ya want?
You should probably consult with an attorney or mortgage specialist. I wouldn't seek advice from any knucklehead that chimes in on a hooker board. Just my 2 cents. Originally Posted by mojoworkin
I do whatever anyone tells me to do, I can't thimk for myself
JRLawrence's Avatar
You should probably consult with an attorney or mortgage specialist. I wouldn't seek advice from any knucklehead that chimes in on a hooker board. Just my 2 cents. Originally Posted by mojoworkin
That is why he is called a retard!

We have fun just reading what some guys write.

That is why he is called a retard!

We have fun just reading what some guys write.

Originally Posted by JRLawrence
what is "Retarded" about getting people's opinions?
I did a refi with BOA several years ago. It went ok and they had an abbreviated process for existing customers who bank there and already have a home mortgage there. However, they quite possibly could have done away with that since I did it. Seems like they have become less consumer friendly as of late and discontinued the free safety deposit box I had been receiving for the past 5 years as well. I didn't mind so much that they decided to discontinue the free box, but they wanted to charge much more for their box than my local community bank where I also maintain a checking account. So I got a box at the local bank for about half the price at BOA.
I did a refi with BOA several years ago. It went ok and they had an abbreviated process for existing customers who bank there and already have a home mortgage there. However, they quite possibly could have done away with that since I did it. Seems like they have become less consumer friendly as of late and discontinued the free safety deposit box I had been receiving for the past 5 years as well. I didn't mind so much that they decided to discontinue the free box, but they wanted to charge much more for their box than my local community bank where I also maintain a checking account. So I got a box at the local bank for about half the price at BOA. Originally Posted by ez2plz
same here
in st louis the branch I always go to always has free store bought cookies
the branches here, NO COOKIES
But is this really the best place to solicit advice about long term loan options? Who'd have guessed the industry best known for cash only transactions would be the EF Hutton of the internet.
But is this really the best place to solicit advice about long term loan options? Who'd have guessed the industry best known for cash only transactions would be the EF Hutton of the internet. Originally Posted by Y_eye_AwE_Ta
who said this was the best place?
this is a place and it is not void of opinions, so why not ask?
no harm, right?
I was really looking for a bank that gave a "mortgage+"

(like massage+)
just for those whom are el retarded and don't know it
JRLawrence's Avatar
what is "Retarded" about getting people's opinions? Originally Posted by johnnyretard

We should all know by the time we are adults that most people's opinions do not matter because they are not informed. It is an entertainment trick that the news on TV people when the ask the opinion of the "person on the street". It may be cute, but it is truly stupid because it doesn't matter.

What do you know for certain, and how did you learn it for certain. What are the facts. Go to a book, go to the banker, go to other home lenders; but, not the man on the street.

Opinions are not worth the time to listen to, let alone talk about on a hooker board.

The bottom line, if you are too lazy to do your own homework, you deserve what you get.

We should all know by the time we are adults that most people's opinions do not matter because they are not informed. It is an entertainment trick that the news on TV people when the ask the opinion of the "person on the street". It may be cute, but it is truly stupid because it doesn't matter. Originally Posted by JRLawrence
you are way overthinking this
this thread is the equivlant of, "what's your favorite provider or what's your favorite candy?"
Gives me jumping off points about things to look into, maybe
you guys all sound like I'm going to read this stuff and go OK I WILL GO TO CONMAN LOANS! THX DOG!

so have you guys had experience doing this?(I'd guess yes)
where you take some adivce from retards and dont do your due diligence to figure out what you wanted and use actual sources to be smart about what you get

THX DOG< I"m on my way to SEE HER!

Seriously guys, grow some brains

What do you know for certain, and how did you learn it for certain. What are the facts. Go to a book, go to the banker, go to other home lenders; but, not the man on the street.

Opinions are not worth the time to listen to, let alone talk about on a hooker board.

The bottom line, if you are too lazy to do your own homework, you deserve what you get. Originally Posted by JRLawrence
ever watch dr oz?
same thing, although i've not watched in year, his show used to have interesting jumping off points for research.
Opinions can be fun and interesting, but you have to be smart enough to sort out trash and what might be useful
how old are you?
you say
Go to a book,

seriously man,
Ive got 3 banks working on getting me the best rate...I asked here for amusment and maybefinding someone who knows what they are talking about

I've got parents, I dont need some powertrippin' mod to give me what thinks is advice I needs

now, how's about you stay on the OP's topic, or else I'm gonna have to give you an infartion
I hear lots about where to go. any expereince?
bank of america(current mortage)
golden oaks
credit uniion kansas city?
community american credit union
quicken loans?
Originally Posted by johnnyretard
