Seat belts

are you a good driver?
do you wear a seatbelt?

Yes is the correct answer

Still get a pre-nup, good god why not?
90% of Americans have little to no assets when they marry. Prenups make sense for a very small % of the population. Worried about inherited assets. Don't comingle them once you inherit them. They're not marital assets.

People wonder why Americans suck at marriage so badly? Plebes worrying about shit like this when they think they'll lose their 8 track collection.
90% of Americans have little to no assets when they marry. Prenups make sense for a very small % of the population. Worried about inherited assets. Don't comingle them once you inherit them. They're not marital assets. People wonder why Americans suck at marriage so badly? Plebes worrying about shit like this when they think they'll lose their 8 track collection. Originally Posted by super_delfin00
90% LOLz pull a number outta your ass, eh
you think the reason to get a pre-nup is $$, then you don't know what theFUCK ur taklking about
isnt there a lawyer on this board?

are you saying prenups are why marriages fail?
marriages fail apart because of lying

get a prenup, even if you are both "poor"
it opens up talk about money
-did you know about the $40K student loan debt? well you are married, so now that debt is YOURS
-did you know s/he pays $$ for child support?
a prenup opens up talk about money
-If you own a business that you started all by yourself, and your partner has no involvement in it, having a prenuptial agreement in place simply makes sense
-Whether you or your future spouse have money that is (or will be) inherited,

lots of reasons to get a pre-nup
only emotional ones to NOT get a pre-nup
ask any gamer
"should you save your game before entering that castle/cave??
LOLZ no shit, you should

why do marriages end?
3-10 BS
The 90% figure is the approximate amount of households in this country that have less than 1 million in assets.

If you marry someone with children from a prior marriage, you're not on the hook for their child support.

Student debt is not marital debt if you don't comingle.

Inherited property is not a marital asset unless you comingle.

I can't help it if people are morons and willingly mix their assets with their spouses when they have no obligation to do so. But tell me more Dr Phil. I'm intrigued by some mook on a hooker board giving marital advice. Especially one who leaves his kitchen in a mess. Try again BCPL.
Enchanterlingum's Avatar
I can end the discussion with the fact there is absolutely no good reason to get married.
The 90% figure is the approximate amount of households in this country that have less than 1 million in assets. Originally Posted by super_delfin00
I just made up 90%

If you marry someone with children from a prior marriage, you're not on the hook for their child support.

Student debt is not marital debt if you don't comingle.

Inherited property is not a marital asset unless you comingle. Originally Posted by super_delfin00
I'm not a lawyer, so like the 90% I will make shit up that sounds good
I can't help it if people are morons and willingly mix their assets with their spouses when they have no obligation to do so. But tell me more Dr Phil. I'm intrigued by some mook on a hooker board giving marital advice. Especially one who leaves his kitchen in a mess. Try again BCPL. Originally Posted by super_delfin00
Im not a lawyer so I will be a mook/dr phil/ BCPL who gives made up advice on the internet

I just gave links and asked why not get a pre-nup
you have been hurt and think giving random/made up advice makes you seem smart.. I don't say much except give links and say what the links are saying
and ask questions
try again, BCPL
I can end the discussion with the fact there is absolutely no good reason to get married. Originally Posted by Enchanterlingum
unless you or they are dying and being married gives you power in the hospital AND in line to get their assets/pensions/401k, etc

LOLZ guess the convo didnt end, BCPL?

or you're just not smart(or is that a medical condition and i shouldn't guess about medical conditions?)
Tax Benefits

  • Filing joint income tax returns with the IRS and state taxing authorities.
  • Creating a "family partnership" under federal tax laws, which allows you to divide business income among family members.
Estate Planning Benefits

  • Inheriting a share of your spouse's estate.
  • Receiving an exemption from both estate taxes and gift taxes for all property you give or leave to your spouse.
  • Creating life estate trusts that are restricted to married couples, including QTIP trusts, QDOT trusts, and marital deduction trusts.
  • Obtaining priority if your spouse needs a conservator--that is, someone to make financial or medical decisions on your spouse's behalf.
Government Benefits

  • Receiving Social Security, Medicare, and disability benefits for spouses.
  • Receiving veterans' and military benefits for spouses, such as those for education, medical care, or special loans.
  • Receiving public assistance benefits.
Employment Benefits

  • Obtaining insurance benefits through a spouse's employer.
  • Taking family leave to care for your spouse during an illness.
  • Receiving wages, workers' compensation, and retirement plan benefits for a deceased spouse.
  • Taking bereavement leave if your spouse or one of your spouse's close relatives dies.
Medical Benefits

  • Visiting your spouse in a hospital intensive care unit or during restricted visiting hours in other parts of a medical facility.
  • Making medical decisions if your spouse becomes incapacitated and unable to express wishes for treatment.
Death Benefits

  • Consenting to after-death examinations and procedures.
  • Making burial or other final arrangements.
Family Benefits

  • Filing for stepparent or joint adoption.
  • Applying for joint foster care rights.
  • Receivin a share of marital property if you divorce
  • Receivin a share of marital property if you divorce.
  • Receiving spousal or child support, child custody, and visitation if you divorce.
Housing Benefits

  • Living in neighborhoods zoned for "families only."
  • Automatically renewing leases signed by your spouse.
Consumer Benefits

  • Receiving family rates for health, homeowners', auto, and other types of insurance.
  • Receiving tuition discounts and permission to use school facilities.
  • Other consumer discounts and incentives offered only to married couples or families.
Other Legal Benefits and Protections

  • Suing a third person for wrongful death of your spouse and loss of consortium (loss of intimacy).
  • Suing a third person for offenses that interfere with the success of your marriage, such as alienation of affection and criminal conversation (these laws are available in only a few states).
  • Claiming the marital communications privilege, which means a court can't force you
Guess I overestimated people who are financially competent. Turns out it's even less than the 10% of households, standing instead at 8.3% last year.
Guess I overestimated people who are financially competent. Turns out it's even less than the 10% of households, standing instead at 8.3% last year.

l Originally Posted by super_delfin00
having over $X is not the only reason for a pre-nup
see above
Enchanterlingum's Avatar
Everything you listed can be accomplished with a simple piece of paper that isn't a marriage license.
Everything you listed can be accomplished with a simple piece of paper that isn't a marriage license. Originally Posted by Enchanterlingum
girl was going to buy a car tomorrow,
I Like how "x" looks! I want it!

did you check consumer reports for best car/best price?

-wuts consumer reports

so people arent that bright...but tell me what " simple piece of paper" that isnt a marriage license gets you those rights?
DP and CU are not eligble for federal write off, so what's this paper you are talking aboujt that gets you the above rights?
I notice you speak in vague terms/nothing concrete

dude, you just got owned, in the azz

all your fears of marriage can be alleviated with a prenup..oh, your fears arent concrete...your fears are all in your head...LOLZ
dirty dog's Avatar
The 90% figure is the approximate amount of households in this country that have less than 1 million in assets.

If you marry someone with children from a prior marriage, you're not on the hook for their child support.

Student debt is not marital debt if you don't comingle.

Inherited property is not a marital asset unless you comingle.

I can't help it if people are morons and willingly mix their assets with their spouses when they have no obligation to do so. But tell me more Dr Phil. I'm intrigued by some mook on a hooker board giving marital advice. Especially one who leaves his kitchen in a mess. Try again BCPL. Originally Posted by super_delfin00
zeejoe's Avatar
90 % of people clean their kitchens, BCPL.

A2theb2thec's Avatar
classic bcpl. what a f ucked up discussion. goes nowhere? was this a psa? people have the information at hand and can make their own decisions. hopefully the one you marry doesn't turn out to be amber heard. what a disaster. not sure if a prenup will save anyone from that.