Based on Left’s Definition of Racism, Vaccine Mandates Are Racist

  • oeb11
  • 08-21-2021, 08:25 AM


According to many on the left, a policy is considered racist if it has a disparate impact on a “protected” minority group.
For instance, many on the left accuse states’ voter ID requirements as being racist, because they claim these laws have a disparate impact on minority groups, including blacks and Hispanics.
So, how does the left justify vaccine mandates?
In New York City, far-left Mayor Bill DeBlasio recently introduced one of the nation’s first citywide vaccine mandates.
Per DeBlasio’s emergency executive order 225, “I hereby order that a covered entity shall not permit a patron, full- or part-time employee, intern, volunteer, or contractor to enter a covered premises without displaying proof of vaccination and identification bearing the same identifying information as the proof of vaccination.”
DeBlasio’s vaccine mandate went into effect August 17, and applies to the following “covered premises.”
“Indoor Entertainment and Recreational Settings, including indoor portions of the following locations, regardless of the activity at such locations: movie theaters, music or concert venues, adult entertainment, casinos, botanical gardens, commercial event and party venues, museums and galleries, aquariums, zoos, professional sports arenas and indoor stadiums, convention centers and exhibition halls, performing arts theaters, bowling alleys, arcades, indoor play areas, pool and billiard halls, and other recreational game centers;”

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“Indoor Food Services, including indoor portions of food service establishments offering food and drink, including all indoor dining areas of food service establishments that receive letter grades as described in section 81.51 of the Health Code; businesses operating indoor seating areas of food courts; catering food service establishments that provide food indoors on its premises; and any indoor portions of food service establishment that is regulated by the New York State Department of Agriculture and Markets offering food for on-premises indoor consumption. The requirements of this Order shall not apply to any food service establishment offering food and/or drink exclusively for off-premises or outdoor consumption, or to a food service establishment providing charitable food services such as soup kitchens;”
“Indoor Gyms and Fitness Settings, including indoor portions of standalone and hotel gyms and fitness centers, gyms and fitness centers in higher education institutions, yoga/Pilates/barre/dance studios, boxing/kickboxing gyms, fitness boot camps, indoor pools, CrossFit or other plyometric boxes, and other facilities used for conducting group fitness classes.”
Enforcement of the mandate begins September 13, with penalties for noncompliance as follows:
“I hereby direct that any person or entity who is determined to have violated this Order shall be subject to a fine, penalty and forfeiture of not less than $1,000. If the person or entity is determined to have committed a subsequent violation of this Order within twelve months of the initial violation for which a penalty was assessed, such person or entity shall be subject to a fine, penalty and forfeiture of not less than $2,000. For every violation thereafter, such person or entity shall be subject to a fine, penalty and forfeiture of not less than $5,000 if the person or entity committed the violation within twelve months of the violation for which the second penalty was assessed.”

In New York City, only 33 percent of black residents are fully vaccinated.
This means that DeBlasio’s vaccine mandate will have a disparate impact on New York City’s black population.
Therefore, according to the left’s own definition of racism, DeBlasio’s vaccine mandate is racist.
Furthermore, according to DeBlasio’s emergency executive order, all New York City residents must show proof of ID, along with proof of vaccination, in order to participate in most basic societal functions and activities.

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Does this not contradict with the left’s depiction of voter ID requirements being racist?
Moreover, barring the unvaccinated (which overwhelmingly applies to blacks) from entering “all gyms and indoor fitness centers,” is likely to make the unvaccinated more vulnerable to COVID-19, as obesity and diabetes are main contributors to severe COVID-19 outcomes.
And, even more befuddling, per New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo, “New York's latest contact tracing data shows 70 percent of new COVID-19 cases originate from households and small gatherings.”

So, 70 percent of COVID-19 cases spread at home in New York, yet Mayor DeBlasio demands that all New York City residents get vaccinated or they cannot enter most “covered premises.”
Finally, and perhaps most significantly, DeBlasio’s mandate makes no mention of exceptions for those who have had COVID-19, and therefore have natural immunity. These New Yorkers, along with all immuno-compromised New Yorkers, who could be harmed by the vaccine, have been put in a perilous position, due to DeBlasio’s “racist” edict.
Despite all of this, most on the left are celebrating DeBlasio’s “racist” executive order.
Sadly, for many on the left, the ends (more power) always justify the means.
Chris Talgo ( is senior editor at The Heartland Institute.

Typical DPST Communist 'Obey or else" mandates - they make it clear the DPST Communists are here to Rule and Control - Never to Serve the Peoples of America.
The Hypocrisy of teh CRT Racist DPST party is stunning!!!

Buck fiden
From My cold dead hands - communist DPSTs!