Alternate approaches....

texassapper's Avatar
This chart is stunning. Germany reports 58% fully vaccinated, Sweden 51%. Germany is one of the most masked countries in the EU, including N95s for the populace. Sweden the least masked country in the EU. Germany requires negative test to enter many indoor events, while Sweden doesn't. Germany locked down last year, while Sweden didn't. And yet, look at the epidemiological curves adjusted for population. Nearly identical. It's almost as if our mass mitigation efforts do no good against an airborne virus....

bambino's Avatar
But but but it’s the science!!!!
  • Tiny
  • 08-21-2021, 09:25 AM
Sweden’s death rate per capita from COVID is almost 30% higher than Germany’s

As to your graph, by last winter a higher percentage of the Swedish population had previously been infected by COVID and thus had some immunity.