Crime in major cities is out of control: a solution

the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
Portland, San Fransisco, Chicago to name just three. Even the left is starting to panic about the out-of-control crime but the have no idea what to do. An indication of their insanity, as they can't see the obvious. Increased law enforcement, enforcing the existing laws, and stop with the perks for criminal might reduce crime in a few years but time is important. After all, there is an election next year.

Here's the quick solution to crime; hunting clubs. The mayor invited rich people to come into town and hunt criminals. Hereafter known as "game". Someone pays a million-dollar fee and they receive an open-ended hunting license. All hunts have to be videotaped and the game has to be verified as being game. Just like any other hunting license. You can't shoot a bear with a deer license. So, a hunter can do several things; they can set up a hunting stand in a high crime area, they can track through the downtown hoping to catch site of a crime in progress, or, if they prefer, they can disguise themselves as prey to lure the game in close. This last has some risk but great reward. Some people like getting their hands dirty in the field. Your weapon is your choice; rifle, pistol, shotgun, knife, bow, crossbow, sword, lance, bare hands for the skilled. With the license comes a signed statement by the DA/Mayor/Police chief that you will not face prosecution.

I know, I know, some of you are snidely saying, "why not throw the game over the bumper when you drive home." Come on man, cars don't have bumpers like that anymore. You drop off your game to be processed. You can have the head mounted, the skin turned into a rug, and have the whole thing stuffed for display. Do like Teddy Roosevelt and donate the game to a charity for display. For an additional fee, you can have an unlimited license to hunt if you really get the bug. There will have to be some equity rules for the blues cities to get their approval.
Yup, the Kylie Rittenhouse club. Mindset of a 17 year old.
Well when Governments put things out there like "Gun Control", "Defunding Police". When States Like Illinois inform the Public that the Police aren't going to investigate certain crimes criminals become increasingly bold and crime in general has a tendency to spike.
Per capita, crime in cities is very low. Portland, Chicago and San Fran aren't even in the top ten.
Precious_b's Avatar
Reminds me of an Ursula Andress (sp) movie saw listed on Amazon.
Yup, the Kylie Rittenhouse club. Mindset of a 17 year old. Originally Posted by reddog1951
Can you explain this. I've looked into the Rittenhouse event extensively, and your descriptions doesn't fit the events as I know them. Please help me with this.
Per capita, crime in cities is very low. Portland, Chicago and San Fran aren't even in the top ten. Originally Posted by royamcr
Tell that shit to the victims of violent crime.
chefnerd's Avatar
So exactly what evidence are you producing?
Tell that shit to the victims of violent crime. Originally Posted by Levianon17
Doesn't fucking matter, crime happens in small towns at a higher rate than most big cities.
The solution to the problem of major cities run by Democrats turning into crime infested shit holes is already being solved..

People and businesses are moving out.
Doesn't fucking matter, crime happens in small towns at a higher rate than most big cities. Originally Posted by royamcr
Crime is up in most cities pure and simple. You're trying to say crime is very low, it's not.
... See?
That's me biggest problem with "gun control"...

I don't want the CRIMINALS to be the onley ones with guns.

And come to mention - I surely don't want the police
and military to be the onley ones with the weapons also.
Just sayin'

#### Salty
matchingmole's Avatar
Crime is bad in Kansas City also
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
According to the FBI, crime in NYC and Los Angeles is UP by 45% despite both cities reclassifying what a felony is.

I have some different thoughts. My idea could be made into a TV reality show. We could also have competing hunters; New York City, the Mexican border, St. Louis, et. al. The networks could pick up the cost of the license for qualified hunters. I'm really starting to warm up to the idea of a producing credit.
Experts say New York is not experiencing a crime wave
So is it accurate to say New York in the grips of a crime wave?

Some experts say not at all.

"Putting shooting and homicide crimes into context, we're a much safer city than we were 30 years ago," says assistant professor Christopher Herrmann, a criminologist at John Jay College of Criminal Justice. He's formerly with the NYPD and has been studying the city's crime trends for years. Herrmann says last year there were 438 murders; there were nearly 2,000 three decades ago, in 1993.

Ahead of the hearing, Herrmann decided to compare New York City crime rates with rates in Columbus, Ohio, which Congressman Jordan represents. "We see that you're 4.3 times more likely to be killed in Columbus, Ohio, than Manhattan. And you see that 7.3 times as many cars per capita are being stolen in Columbus, Ohio, than in Manhattan."

It's a downward trend that continues for New York. According to NYPD, in March 2023, New York City saw a 26.1% drop in shooting incidents compared to this time last year. And homicides fell by 11.4%.

So why are some New Yorkers alarmed? One reason might be that crimes spiked quite significantly during the pandemic. But Herrmann points out that this was not a phenomenon exclusive to New York. Crime soared across the U.S., especially carjackings. There was also a spike in hate crimes, particularly anti-Asian.

The good news is that things have been settling down, and the downward trend is continuing: Crime rates have been dropping precipitously since the '90s in New York. There is one caveat, he says: While there are fewer shootings in the city, an increasing percentage of them are by and against young people.