Biden Takes Big Fall At Air Force Academy Ceramony.

Word was Kamala got up off her knees, wiped her mouth, and yelled……..”this might be the big one”.

The head of her secret service detail grabbed her and said “hey bitch, I ain’t through yet”.
... Blimey! ... What mean-spirited comments. ...

So instead of "The Big Guy" should everybody just
call Biden "The FALL Guy"? ... ...

#### Salty
Lucas McCain's Avatar
He's 80 years old. Like the vast majority of people around 80, he is not going to have the reflexes of a 40 year old... father time remains undefeated for a reason.

I still don't understand why we have these old as fuck presidents. We are about to have an 82 year old running against a 78 year old in 2024. What a joke. You would think this country would be more evolved than to have two candidates who could very reasonably die in office from natural causes because they are way too old to have such a demanding job.

Yeah, I know. He supposedly tripped over a sandbag but why didn't he notice it in the 1st place? Because he's old as fuck and probably wasn't even thinking about his unfamiliar surroundings.
Gotyour6's Avatar
Have a Staff Edit - Biomed1 stand there and he would have seen her.
ICU 812's Avatar
I am 72 and have done exactly that type of face-plant. . . . but then, I am not the commander in chief of the second largest military in the world.
I think the whole thing is hilarious. He supposedly trips over a Sandbag that was on the stage. Just what the hell was a Sandbag doing on stage in the first place? Liberals are all about safety but Biden keeps getting hurt , lol.
Oh no. He fell down.
Oh no. He fell down. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
Yeah, he fell down because his head is full of shit and it threw his equilibrium off, lol. Let's just hope he doesn't trip and accidentally push a button and cause a Nuclear War, lol. Biden is a dope.
ICU 812's Avatar
I used to tell my Little League coach that " . . .the sun got in my eyes!", . . .but he wears those Tom Cruise Foster Grnts.
Even ex-President Trump made a gracious remark that he hoped President Biden wasn't hurt (also conveniently justifying his similar frailty at the same venue previously). The Trumpists here should emulate his graciousness.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Even ex-President Trump made a gracious remark that he hoped President Biden wasn't hurt (also conveniently justifying his similar frailty at the same venue previously). The Trumpists here should emulate his graciousness. Originally Posted by reddog1951

trump is playing the game. of course he's gonna wish joey well. wait till he's the nominee and see what he says when joey trips over his shoe laces .. again.

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar

Word was Kamala got up off her knees, wiped her mouth, and yelled……..”this might be the big one”.

The head of her secret service detail grabbed her and said “hey bitch, I ain’t through yet”. Originally Posted by Jackie S

The airplane has landed, sir.
Please watch your head as you exit.

... "OOOP!" ... Blimey! ... "Bang yer 'ead!"

#### Salty
adav8s28's Avatar
... Blimey! ... What mean-spirited comments. ...

So instead of "The Big Guy" should everybody just
call Biden "The FALL Guy"? ... ...

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
Trump fell down some stairs at last Army/Navy game he attended. No one made a big deal about that. Trump is younger than Sleepy Joe, what was Trumps excuse.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Trump fell down some stairs at last Army/Navy game he attended. No one made a big deal about that. Trump is younger than Sleepy Joe, what was Trumps excuse. Originally Posted by adav8s28
Couple things: As I recall it was a ramp, not stairs. It was a rainy day there and yes Virginia, a few peoples made mention of it a couple times or more. Here's a couple random mentions:
Isn't this the Army/Navy football game where Trump tripped going down stairs at halftime? Originally Posted by adav8s28
Trump tripped walking down stairs at the ARMY / Navy game. No one made a big deal about that. Originally Posted by adav8s28
Trump tripped going down some stairs at the Army/Navy game. The only reason his knee did not hit the ground was he was being escorted by high ranking acadamy commanders when he was switching sides at half time. ... Originally Posted by adav8s28
Any guesses on how many unique incidences of "Biden falls" or "Biden trips" exist in the Googlie search universe??

Hey, since we are having some of that Googlie fun;
Hey Googlie: Biden trips and falls recovers quickly
Interesting how many Obama approved news **cough** propaganda **cough *** outlets added that "recovers quickly" tail.