Christie’s Speech Is Good - Best of Luck to Him

Great speech. Best of luck to him. We all know republicans can’t choose a real leader but hey at least he’s gonna give it a good try until he realizes that there’s no lane for a dude with sense.
Yeh, while praising past leaders he used Washington, Abigail Adams, (not John), Lincoln, Woodrow Wilson, FDR, Kennedy and Reagan as persons of true character.

Wilson ad Kennedy.? Really.

Wilson was a racist/globalist/progressive who wishy washed the US into WW-1 so the Europeans could have a reason to fight WW-2.

Kennedy’s only shining moment was his inaugural speech. After that, his biggest accomplishments was fucking Marilyn Monroe and Judith Exner.

The only reason Kristi is running is the ultimate in “Trump Derangement Syndrome”. He hates Donald Trump so much that he is demanding a platform so he can express it.

Of course, if they make a rule that you have to be polling at least above negative numbers in order to qualify for the debates, he probably won’t even get the air time.

Oh, and there is always that George Washington Bridge thing.
Lucas McCain's Avatar
I respect the fact that Christie didn't fall on the sword and support Trump's lies, but he has no chance. He's too moderate for his party. I could say the same about moderate democrats too. You better be extreme in your views now if you want votes. You can't win if you expect people to use basic logical reasoning and instead simply vote for their preferred party regardless of the ineptitude of the candidate in that party.

Right wing nuts love Trump. So, we'll have Joe for an additional four years thanks to them.
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  • 06-06-2023, 09:14 PM
I respect the fact that Christie didn't fall on the sword and support Trump's lies, but he has no chance. He's too moderate for his party. I could say the same about moderate democrats too. You better be extreme in your views now if you want votes. You can't win if you expect people to use basic logical reasoning and instead simply vote for their preferred party regardless of the ineptitude of the candidate in that party.

Right wing nuts love Trump. So, we'll have Joe for an additional four years thanks to them. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
I "liked" your post, although I disagree with the way you use the labels "moderate" and "right wing nuts."

About 30% of America would follow Trump off a cliff, even though he tried to steal an election. And another 30%, including Joe Biden, would follow Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders off a cliff, even though their preferred economic policies are nutty. The rest of us will likely be faced with choosing one of two bad options in the presidential election in 2024. Unless you're willing to vote for a third party candidate or write in "Amy the Wonder Dog", which is probably what I'll do.

And yeah, the moderates and rational thinkers are in danger of being run off from both parties. You used to have social liberals, like me, who where Republicans, and economic conservatives who were Democrats. That's becoming rare.
... Chris Christie? ... .... .... A candidate?

... For WHAT? ....

#### Salty

The Democrats nightmare.
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Kennedy’s only shining moment was his inaugural speech. After that, his biggest accomplishments was fucking Marilyn Monroe and Judith Exner.
Originally Posted by Jackie S
I would say that's a pretty good trifecta, being married to Jackie O. and hooking up with Marilyn Monroe and Judith Exner on the side. Marilyn Monroe could fill out a dress.

Besides the inaugural speech, Kennedy sent home the Russians in the Cuban missile crises. Kennedy started with civil rights legislation that LBJ eventually got implemented. You don't give John F. Kennedy enough credit.
adav8s28's Avatar

Right wing nuts love Trump. So, we'll have Joe for an additional four years thanks to them. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
You are 100% right about that. No way Trump can win the electoral college over Sleepy Joe and Kamala. Mich, Wisconsin and Penn will stay Blue and that will be enough for Biden and Harris to get to 270 electoral college votes.
Lucas McCain's Avatar

The Democrats nightmare. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Wrong. I'm pretty sure Democrats would be completely content with either Dezy or Trump as the opposition. Voters are younger now. Many of them would rather vote for Satan than either one of those dudes with their close-minded simpleton followers. I know I would, and I am not even a Democrat.

I'd vote for Christie over each of them just so Joe can disappear, but there is no point in doing so. Christie could not be running for president at a worse time than he is now with this current political climate.
Christie is an idiot, worthless speech. It is nothing more than I hate Trump, and we can't have Trump as president. Nothing about actual policy.
Christie was spot on. As was Pence today. Call Trump out on his lies, it’s the only way to make him vulnerable.
... Good Luck...

#### Salty
Wrong. I'm pretty sure Democrats would be completely content with either Dezy or Trump as the opposition. Voters are younger now. Many of them would rather vote for Satan than either one of those dudes with their close-minded simpleton followers. I know I would, and I am not even a Democrat.

I'd vote for Christie over each of them just so Joe can disappear, but there is no point in doing so. Christie could not be running for president at a worse time than he is now with this current political climate. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
That's because most of them actually worship Satan.
You are 100% right about that. No way Trump can win the electoral college over Sleepy Joe and Kamala. Mich, Wisconsin and Penn will stay Blue and that will be enough for Biden and Harris to get to 270 electoral college votes. Originally Posted by adav8s28
Well if Trump can't win why is Trump on everyone's mind? The reason is because Trump can win. Trump is as big a threat to the Left as anyone can be.
adav8s28's Avatar
Well if Trump can't win why is Trump on everyone's mind? Originally Posted by Levianon17
Trump draws television ratings. He does not draw votes anymore except for his small base of evangelicals. Independents, Rhino republicans and women voters from the suburbs don't like Trump. Trump can't win the electoral college. The democrat will win the blue states that always vote blue in presidential elections (Calif, NY). Plus, Trump will not win swing states Mich, Penn and Wisconsin. He has to have those three to get to 270 electoral college votes. I am giving Trump Ohio, Florida and Arizona (which would be a flip) and Trump still loses the Electoral College.

Trump has no shot. That is why I am hoping Trump gets the Republican nomination.