westboro has gone too far!

DallasRain's Avatar
Murf76's Avatar
They could be in for a lot more than they bargained for. I don't think the Texans will be as "tolerant" to them as some of the other States. In fact,it could get downright nasty for them!!! We can only hope!!!!
Arverni's Avatar
They're just publicity hounds - people have figured out how to keep them well away from the funerals. Involves A LOT of volunteers from the local community but they will find them in Texas.

Plus - the cops play passive / aggressive with the protest rules and that kind of throws cold water on those dudes also. They are just publicity hounds that's all. Still, if I ever meet one in public he's getting a black eye just for shits and grins.
kindafun's Avatar
Eventually, someone will put a bullet in one of these MF'ers. Everyone needs to take a page from the treatment they got in Rankin County, MS a few frs ago.

eholiday's Avatar
WBC is all about making you want to shut them up. Every time someone removes them from a 'protest' or shuts them up, or sues them, their army of lawyers goes to work to squeeze as much money out of the gov't for 'infringing on their right to free speech'

Fucking losers, gaming the system I say.
biomed1's Avatar
In Nov 2010 the town of McAlester, OK did it right!


Be Careful & Enjoy!

This group is actually lucky, or maybe unlucky, however you may look at it, that they have never run into a person like me.... I'm the sweetest person in the world, would give the shirt off my back for strangers.. but for someone or some group of people to use such a tragedy to prove some idiotic point to blame the death of innocent people on a punishable act of God is just too much!! I lost a child quite a few years back, and if these idiots would have shown up at my son's funeral, or said it was because God was trying to prove a point.... well, I really think my little tiny ass would have beaten said people into the ground... Well, not just me, my friend Louie as well.... Louie Ville Slugger... yeah, really.... I'd go ballistic if it were a family member of mine....

"And that's all I gotta say about that.."

Forrest Gump

DallasRain's Avatar
It is time for some "Texas Justice"....lol
Guest010619's Avatar
Let them show up in Texas on the hottest month and see how well their a/c works w no windows.