Senior Sex Ring

bayou boy's Avatar
Arverni's Avatar
Here's to hoping they smite this evil from the world!!!

shorty's Avatar
At least I know there is still hope for me when I get put in the Assisted Living Home!!
kindafun's Avatar
I guess being an assisted living pimp/drug dealer is a lot more lucrative than a Walmart greeter!
When You Are Ready's Avatar
And the fun goes on ..........

ilovedatass's Avatar
what were the drugs.... Viagra ? smh
Arverni's Avatar
And the fun goes on ..........

Originally Posted by When You Are Ready
Yeah! Let's make this a thread chock full-o Senior PRON!!

shorty's Avatar
See I knew there would be another use for my Future Cane!!
Wiley64's Avatar
And the fun goes on ..........

Originally Posted by When You Are Ready
See what happens when you mix up the Bengay with the Astroglide!
ilovedatass's Avatar