SknyDiva's Avatar
Wiley64's Avatar
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justanolaguy's Avatar
The one Sunday hit my home town and I worked a half mile from the school in Moore where the kids died.
I'm currently live in Norman. It's devastated the entire community and our state. The one on Sunday May 19 th just only a few blocks away as the OU weather center siren went off 3 times. It went by and hits my other hometown after it passed Thunderbird Lake. I've seen major tornado in 1999-2008-2012 (smaller but close to me) and this one on Monday May 20th. It's a long discovery and rebuild but Oklahoman will also pick up what we have left and carry on.
SknyDiva's Avatar
Glad you are ok hun
DallasRain's Avatar
prayers & well wishes.....Hugs to you Kat!
When You Are Ready's Avatar
Mother Nature can be mean. Prayers for all in that wonderful state.
Thank you Ladies! Than you gents! .. We've so many organizations that are helping the recovery and clean up process.

Such as this website servemoore.com. I signed up to volunteer to help boxing Food items into a box so, they can deliver to the people in the effected area.
Many homes and lives are demolished but not the "heart"