Trump says fuck you to the RNC and Fox News.

Devo's Avatar
  • Devo
  • 08-18-2023, 07:26 PM
He's skipping the first debate, because he's fucking Fox News, and the RNC, not because he's afraid to debate.

They estimate 8 million viewers with all people attending.

Without Trump 1-2 million, is my guess, maybe less.

AND, he's doing the anal insertion by giving TUCKER an interview at the same time, you gotta love this guy, total outsider, and he shows it.
... I think Trump is just doing ALL THAT to be kind...

Giving the "way-back winstons" and the "no chance nigels"
a forum where they can all have a go without Trump there
as the centre of attention... That-way the Repubs can
see which lads should just drop from the race.

Surely seem like a rather charitable act on Trump's part
to just do the interview with Tucker and let Fox-News
try to garner great ratings with the debate.

#### Salty
DNinja69's Avatar
Trump is anything but an outsider. He is just playing with pocket aces. Nobody has his numbers and one reason he got into the White House the first time was the ability to get free media coverage on levels most candidates could not even pay for. Right now the bad press is working for him or at least not hurting him and a debate so close to all the indictments could turn that the other direction.

Good points you are not wrong but as we see with him cancelling his big reveal that was going down Monday he will proceed with caution in the next few weeks.
I agree with trump, all he could do is lose more voters.
As the saying goes. "It's Better remain silent and be though a fool. then to speak and to remove all doubt."
Abraham Lincoln
I agree with trump, all he could do is lose more voters.
As the saying goes. "[I]It's Better remain silent and be though a fool. then to speak and to remove all doubt."[/I
Abraham Lincoln Originally Posted by jmichael
He removed all doubt a long time ago!