Two Dwarfs...

Two dwarfs went into a bar, where they picked up two "working girls" and took them back to their hotel rooms.

The first dwarf however, was unable to get an erection. His depression over this was made worse by the shouting from his friend in the room next door. All night he kept hearing his friend shout out cries of "ONE, TWO, THREE, HERE I CUM AGAIN, UGH!!! ONE, TWO, THREE, HERE I CUM AGAIN, UGH!!! ONE, TWO, THREE, HERE I CUM AGAIN, UGH!!!"

In the morning, the second dwarf asked the first dwarf, "How did it go?" The first dwarf muttered, "It was embarrassing, I couldn't get an erection."

The second dwarf shook his head, "You think thats embarrassing? I couldn't get up in the fucking bed!!!"

-Sent to me in a text message, LOL!
DallasRain's Avatar
good one! lol
NshoreGeorge's Avatar
Miss J,
You Cracked me up !!!
Batman:, wonder Woman is with child..!!
Robin: Holy Rubbers Batman..!
Batman: Right again Boy Wonder!!!