Quality vs Quanity

Which one do you prefer? To me a low volume provider would be a tighter fit for your 8===D
Sorry, but do you REALLY belive how often a women has sex affects how tight she is??? Go fuck my wife. She has not had sex in 2 1/2 years. That should be so tight you could not get a pencil in it.
Ya... I do ... I think its awkward for a girl to swallow one load then go DFK someone in 30mins LOL.... but hey i got some pencils lets go figure it out
So you insist on an hour after swallowing a load before dfk?
There are many reasons for selecting low volume but how tight is not affected by sex. A kid, maybe. But not how often you fuck. Which is what you asked in the orginal post.

Tired, sore, awkward, and more OK, but those dont have any real impact on how big your opening is.
I agree I'd say low volume providers would at least be more pleasant experience ... Unless your looking for pse or you just don't care ...
lda523287's Avatar
Without question, low volume providers.
All i know is if I was a man I wouldnt see a high volume provider who does CIM, like why dont you just take the CIM yourself LOL same thing! But then again what is low volume these days.... I only see a max of two (one morning and one evening) which allows down time cleaning my room the gym... Im sure high volume girls are like fuck a bath lets just see em all back to back, I knew a girl about a year ago who saw 15 dudes back to back without a single bath....! Lets just say that was the last time i toured with her.... I was horrified!
Im sure high volume girls are like fuck a bath lets just see em all back to back, I knew a girl about a year ago who saw 15 dudes back to back without a single bath....! Lets just say that was the last time i toured with her.... I was horrified! Originally Posted by Irresistible Molly
Sounds like a horror story ... Hygiene is a must not just a plus ....
Ya it was bad! Her reviews reflect what she does but she still does it, I just read her reviews a few days ago on another board and i feel bad but its like i told her thats a badddddddd idea but then again she wont even use mouthwaste between her cim's
Omg just reading this makes my skin crawl ... I can only imagine the disgust these poor men must go through .... Cim breathe/taste in the middle of dfk, or nasty odors/taste during daty .... Blah ... I never leave hm without a shower and my hygiene pack which contains more items than my purse ....
Most will say low volume, but there is no indication of what a lady's volume is. And one man's low volume girl is another man's revolving door. We all do nasty things with our mouths. If that's the case there should be no IOP or foreplay at all without covers.

If a lady needs to be high volume, she will be busy. Especially if the service is good. Well, until she burns out and starts flaking and her attitude gets bad.

If she makes you as comfortable as possible, and her body and breath are as fresh as fresh can get, just relax and enjoy.
pyramider's Avatar
Any quantity of quality taint is good.
omakase's Avatar
Where to even begin with this one?

First, low volume doesn't mean tighter vaginas. You'll have more success doing kegel exercises instead. (See article below).

Second, you lost me with your question. Are you asking whether we like tighter pussy (quality) as opposed to looser pussy (theoretically quantity of sexual partners)? Or are you asking us whether we prefer a better session (quality) as opposed to having numerous sessions (quality)? Because your anecdotes trail off into an entirely different subject.

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According to one blog:

Myth: Promiscuity causes a woman’s vagina to become loose.

Reality: A woman’s sex partner can affect her vaginal elasticity, but multiple partners cannot make a woman’s vagina become permanently loose. According to Psychology Today’s Michael Castleman, vaginal tissue is very elastic. The vaginal does expand and contract for sex, but it does not remain expanded. The number of sexual partners a woman hasdoesn’t permanently alter the elasticity of the vagina.

“After relaxing during sex, vaginal muscle tissue naturally contracts–tightens–again. Intercourse does not permanently stretch the vagina,” Castleman said. “This process, loosening during arousal and tightening afterward, happens no matter how often the woman has sex.”

The only occurrence that can permanently alter a woman’s vaginal elasticity is childbirth. But even after a birth, a woman can regain her permanent elasticity, especially mothers in their late teens and early twenties. According to Castleman, women that have multiple births are the most likely to experience vaginal looseness and women of advanced age might experience a loss of elasticity.

“If you stretch elastic a great deal, over time, it fatigues and no longer snaps back entirely,” he continued. “That can happen to the vaginas of young women after multiple births. Their vaginal muscles fatigue and no longer fully contract. In addition, aging fatigues vaginal muscle. Whether or not women have given birth, as they grow older, they may complain of looseness.”

Although a woman can’t do much to loosen her vagina, there are some things she can do to tighten her vaginal muscles.

Kegel exercises are a great way for women to work on their vaginal elasticity. According to the Mayo Clinic, if a woman is having issues identifying which muscles should try to stop their urination midstream while they’re on the toilet. “Once you’ve identified your pelvic floor muscles, empty your bladder and lie on your back. Tighten your pelvic floor muscles, hold the contraction for five seconds, and then relax for five seconds,” reads an article on the Mayo Clinic site. “Try it four or five times in a row. Work up to keeping the muscles contracted for 10 seconds at a time, relaxing for 10 seconds between contractions.” The article suggest women do this exercise three times a day.