The Big John Blow Up Doll
With a vibrating penis
Gives you more love than Big Joe
ok I admit it i ordered one!! but to ride in the HOV lane with me!! LOL then of coarse i had to try it out...umm it poped though the penis still vibrated,,not worth the money, what i dont get is why guys like the porn dolls...geeze maybe if I had a tool it would be different...
the girl dolls feel soft the guy dolls feel too soft...I want them to make a manly tattooed stubbly doll for woman with a dvd of noises...
or maybe i need therapy with a male doctor of coarse...
tell me guys whats the turn on with blow up porn dolls.....
and do u use lube when you (well u know) do it..
I know I am a freak but I need adventure life gets to mundane if you dont experiment.
This is an interesting topic--or I am just bored, sitting in my hotel room all alone, trying to quit this hobby! LOL.
I've never used one. Well, that's not entirely true. I had a session with a Prodomme once, and she tried to get me to "do" the doll. I sort of tried, I guess, but it felt so, BAD. So I told her that wasn't happening. The erotic humiliation of it was OK, since I am sort of into that. But the actual doing it was a worthless experience. A rubber glove and KY would be a ton better.

So, in trying to answer this question, I would say any guy who buys one is disappointed once he tries it.

Or, if it is used in some Dom/sub scene, it might have some MENTAL value.

I believe its physical value is non-existent.

OK, there I admitted it. Anyone else.