BLM Activist Charged With Human Trafficking

Danielle Reid's Avatar
Maybe he was pimpin' a white girl to get back at "The Man".
Danielle Reid's Avatar
From what I read on other comments, articles, and Facebook...the girl was black and he claimed to be "helping her" with his child outreach program, but then said he didn't know her and didn't know she was 17...
splitlog's Avatar
He rented the room for her.
my first thought is trumped up charges.
Danielle Reid's Avatar
I hope he fries
if it's true, i have no sympathy for him.
but cops have a lot of power to make your life hell, and i don't think most people handle that power well or wisely.
i'm not totally anti cop by any means, but they're as prone to abuse their power as any of the rest of us.

and i get the feeling there's not a lot of love between cops and blm.
Danielle Reid's Avatar
Fuck him and BLM. He's just another thug looking for the next business to burn
#pussymatters who's with me?