Khazir Kahn And Wife On MSNBC Right Now

For someone who is not wanting attention, he and his wife are sure making the circuit.

He's doubling down on the "Trump has sacrifice nothing" line.

Of course, Chris's Mathews doesn't bother to ask him what Hillary has sacrificed.

He keeps saying....."The terrorist do not represent Islam".

Well, yes they do. Millions of them. Millions of them who want to destroy Western Civilization and Western Values.

Mr Khan, you can take your Muslim Shit and stick it where the sun doesn't shine. If you insist on worshipping a genocidal pedophile who teaches that women are sub human, that Gays are to be killed, and that anyone who does not believe as you do should be put to the sword, that's your right.

You chose to expose yourself at a National Convention, and pledge your support to a lying, reprehensible, money grubbing, sexual predator enabling cunt.

Fuck you.
Khany wants to put us in shari chains... NOT going to happen Khany!

Chung Tran's Avatar

but that Khan shit is effective God Damn it!
What chaps my ass is how Hillary paraded this "gold star Familly" out onto the stage, knowing that they could say anything, and the news media and gutless polititians would refuse to call them out.

Khan got on a national stage, and said extremely derogatory things directed directly at Trump. He became a political animal when he did that. He did his masters bidding. He shamed the memory of his Son.
Chung Tran's Avatar
it's chapping my ass too! working just like they hoped it would. all these people hear is "Trump is a meanie who hates Muslims".. then McCain gets a microphone to say Trump is a meanie.. the same McCain the media doesn't give a shit about, except when he has a negative quote for another Republican.

Trump needs to change the God Damned subject though.. 3 fucking days of this, and his numbers are falling through the floor.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Yes they are. Expect Drumpf to fuck up even bigger in the days ahead.

Latest poll shows HRC opening up a 9-point lead.
LexusLover's Avatar
Speaking of not sacrificing ...

LMAO, whiffy you are such a dick.
LexusLover's Avatar
If reports are correct .... Khan is an associate (or former associate) with ...

Lynch and Comey ... who all worked in the same law firm representing the Clintons and their Slush Fund Foundation ... as well as the company that needed a patent for the software used on the Clintons private server and provided technical assistance with respect to her email transmissions on the server.

"hack" ... "noun. 1. a person, as an artist or writer, who exploits, for money, his or her creative ability or training in the production of dull, unimaginative, and trite work; one who produces banal and mediocre work in the hope of gaining commercial success in the arts:"
Chung Tran's Avatar

The Khan family is our family....... Originally Posted by i'va biggen
your point is?

Khan junior fought and died for the US.. you seem to think that automatically makes his father cool, or gives him a pass on the vile statements he has made.. Dad is a Tool.. the Democratic party plan is falling apart.. Dad deleted his website today, we caught on to his real motive.

BTW, the article quotes a fellow soldier of Khan junior as saying. "we didn't even know he was Muslim".. because he probably wasn't.. you Liberals assume some one born into "the faith" is a Muslim.. just like you call, say, Neil Diamond a Jew. your bullshit argument hinges on him being a true Muslim that Republicans hate and want to keep out of the US. whether he was Muslim or not, you're using his death to advance the political aspirations of that which sent him to war (and ultimately, death).. you see no shame in that.. this whole Khan episode is as shameful as I've seen in politics.
your point is?

Khan junior fought and died for the US.. you seem to think that automatically makes his father cool, or gives him a pass on the vile statements he has made.. Dad is a Tool.. the Democratic party plan is falling apart.. Dad deleted his website today, we caught on to his real motive.

BTW, the article quotes a fellow soldier of Khan junior as saying. "we didn't even know he was Muslim".. because he probably wasn't.. you Liberals assume some one born into "the faith" is a Muslim.. just like you call, say, Neil Diamond a Jew. your bullshit argument hinges on him being a true Muslim that Republicans hate and want to keep out of the US. whether he was Muslim or not, you're using his death to advance the political aspirations of that which sent him to war (and ultimately, death).. you see no shame in that.. this whole Khan episode is as shameful as I've seen in politics. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
Chung Tran- we have debated before and I don't know how long you have been americanized and quite frankly not even sure you were born in this country, but there was a time in the late 60's and early 70's where your people were discriminated against because we were in a war with the vietnamese and trust me just like people are ignorant today they painted all gooks with one stroke.

If you were around during those days you would perhaps have empathy for how muslim americans feel and how Trump has Ostracized all muslims. I have fought with many brave american muslim who put their life on their line defending american even though the islamic world was telling them that they shouldn't be killing their muslim brethren.

Who the hell gives you the right Chung Tran to criticize anyone or any other faith? Perhaps you are a supporter of Trump because he sends jobs to your people- I don't know- but I find it laughable that you are defending Trump because if this was the 50's or 70's Trump would be targeting your race and barring Vietnamese from entering America- how would that make you feel?
LexusLover's Avatar
....but there was a time in the late 60's and early 70's where your people were discriminated against because we were in a war with the vietnamese and trust me just like people are ignorant today they painted all gooks with one stroke.

If you were around during those days Originally Posted by Luke_Wyatt
Were you "around in those days"?
Chung Tran's Avatar
Chung Tran- we have debated before and I don't know how long you have been americanized and quite frankly not even sure you were born in this country, but there was a time in the late 60's and early 70's where your people were discriminated against because we were in a war with the vietnamese and trust me just like people are ignorant today they painted all gooks with one stroke.

If you were around during those days you would perhaps have empathy for how muslim americans feel and how Trump has Ostracized all muslims. I have fought with many brave american muslim who put their life on their line defending american even though the islamic world was telling them that they shouldn't be killing their muslim brethren.

Who the hell gives you the right Chung Tran to criticize anyone or any other faith? Perhaps you are a supporter of Trump because he sends jobs to your people- I don't know- but I find it laughable that you are defending Trump because if this was the 50's or 70's Trump would be targeting your race and barring Vietnamese from entering America- how would that make you feel? Originally Posted by Luke_Wyatt
you are interpreting my comments as criticizing Muslims.. why? I don't criticize them at all.. I am criticizing one guy.. Senior Khan.. did you not read where I basically called his son a Hero? you are so entrenched in the anti-Trump barrage, you stretch my comments to say what you want them to say.. Procrustean, as the Greeks say.

and yes, there were a few anti-Vietnamese folks some decades ago.. but America brought many Vietnamese in after the war.. reached out, bent over backwards to unite families, educate children.. Catholic Charities did tremendous work and effort (I know of no Muslim groups that assisted, by the way).. America has been great for Vietnamese people, yet you single out a few that were discriminatory during wartime. Republican President Gerald Ford was a strong agent for Vietnamese assistance.

you assume Trump would be anti-Vietnamese.. I totally disagree.. his public stance against China, regarding the accumulation and invasion of islands in the South China Sea is very "pro Vietnamese".. what have the Democrats done there? nothing.. China is threatening us this very day.

your turn..