DIY Gloryhole with CD3

M_Star's Avatar
So CD3 and I were discussing the glory hole thing. I shared with her my concept of a portable glory hole – using a black shower curtain, with rings so you can hang it in a shower or on a curtain rod and then a metal rod to weight the bottom down. CD3 quickly adapted the design to use a portable shower curtain rod. The next thing I knew, CD3 was telling me how she had all the supplies, and asking when were we going to try it out.

So we met at a Dallas hotel… Now it took us a good 15 minutes to put the thing together, including having to ask the front desk for some scissors, which they dutifully delivered to the room, a false start with the portable curtain rod (those things come apart way too easily), getting the rings on the rod, then attaching the shower curtain, hanging the contraption in the closet frame, figuring the right spot to cut the hole, positioning ourselves, and then OMG, CD3 consuming me from the other side of the shower curtain. Lots of licking, sucking, shaft work, ball sucking, gagging, spitting, …. Because the curtain was opaque and doubled over, I couldn’t see anything. It was 100% feeling of her mouth and hands all over my cock. Unlike a solid gloryhole, when you can’t take not seeing anymore, you can collapse the side of the shower curtain and watch (I’m sure you glory hole purists will object to this). I was also able to communicate with CD3 when she needed to slow down and extend things. And for you pervs, yes, I eventually finished in her mouth (on the bed while fingering her to her O).

I have to say, for a first attempt at this, it worked out pretty well. The adjustable nature of the shower rod let us position the curtain to the perfect height. The shower curtain itself doesn’t require tape or padding to protect oneself like a piece of wood might. And theoretically, one could completely clean the curtain for future uses, or just chuck it and get another one since they aren’t that expensive.

And finally, if any of you fuckers commercialize this, I get a cut.
Doesn't knowing who is on the other side of the glory hole defeat it's purpose ?
I've tried this with my ATF and it was great fun. The curtain was across the hallway with one of those compression bars at the top. It was sort of a alpha test to see what it was like. I agree with crashkopf.... the intent is to not know who is on the other side. We'll eventually get around to inviting one of her friends whom I've not met to be just that person.
houston_switch's Avatar
Home Depot is the place to shop!
muffin101's Avatar
There's something new and interesting

This beats my idea to one of my ATF's:

I asked her if it was ok to saw out part of her door....

and just put a sticker over it when it's not in use.

She didn't go for it.
jimmylbob's Avatar
Doesn't knowing who is on the other side of the glory hole defeat it's purpose ? Originally Posted by crashkopf
You are presuming one can "know" CD3...
boomvang's Avatar
You are presuming one can "know" CD3...
Originally Posted by jimmylbob
I know for a fact that I don't know CD3. I do know of her though. From what I know I think I could stick my cock though a hole as long as I was relatively confidant it was HER that was on the other side, From my side of FTW, Plano way as well be OKC. If there is a list some where of potential participants for her next trip behind the curtain, please ad my name. There is no way in hell I'd stick my cock into a void of real glory hole. This one sounds sounds real enough to be real fun. It could add a whole new dimension to what is now known as prescreening.
M_Star's Avatar
While sticking your Johnson into a blind hole may sound great in concept, in actual practice I prefer to know exactly who and what sex is on the other side. However, WALDT, so whatever floats your boat.

The other important concept here is that this contraption is completely portable. All you need is a place to hang it (on the shower rod, in a closet, or in a door frame). Easily fits in a suitcase so not going to raise any eyebrows at the front desk.

And CD3 is definitely for real.

The Fetishist's Avatar
M_Star. I am in for the next one.
boomvang's Avatar
Even though I haven't heard or read a word from M_Star or CD3 I have put a little thought into this. I have seen these changing tents used in Europe but never on a beach near me. This sounds like it would be so much easier than what M_Star went though. I the hardest part would be to get the hole in the right spot. There's plenty of room for a portapotty that could just as easily be a lawn chair or an upside down 5 gal bucket. Who ever is inside you would want her to be as comfortable as possible. I think one detail that shouldn't be over looked is that the outside wall should be perpendicular to the floor. No slant inward. If I'm leaning in and things get at all intense I'll fall right on top of her. These are $25 - $60. I'm down for making that a personal contribution as long as I am the first one to penetrate the canvas/nylon what ever the case should be, It could be shipped directly to the hotel. I don't think they'd mind do you?


Trey's Avatar
  • Trey
  • 12-24-2014, 06:27 PM
And ordinary shower rod and curtain can do the same thing if that's what you're into. No need to buy all that shit just get a new shower curtain after you've fucked up the old one cutting holes in it. For as dumb as the idea is you may as well just wear a blindfold. You already know the person sucking dick, your only goal is not to see them. I don't know why, unless the both is fugly.
boomvang's Avatar
And ordinary shower rod and curtain can do the same thing if that's what you're into. No need to buy all that shit just get a new shower curtain after you've fucked up the old one cutting holes in it. For as dumb as the idea is you may as well just wear a blindfold. You already know the person sucking dick, your only goal is not to see them. I don't know why, unless the both is fugly. Originally Posted by Trey
"I don't know why, unless the both is fugly." Huh? I could explain it again and use smaller words, but I don't want to pull you away from cartoons on Christmas morning. I have the $25, that's not a big deal, I appreciate your concern for my fiscal well being though. I was going to ask why anyone would bother to take anonymous public pot shots at someone on something as insignificant as this on christmas morning no less. But then I would have explain why I went to the trouble to respond, They say opinions are like assholes in that everyone has one. It seems to me that your's have a least one thing in common. I might even speculate that in #3 "the both is fugly". What;s the matter Trey? Did Santa get in to the stash and eat all of the milk and cookies. That fat bastard did it again. Well, at least it makes him jolly.

Peace on earth dude.
pmdelites's Avatar
boomvang, remember "you" doesnt always mean "you, boomvang".
it might be a generic you. i think it's often better to ask for a clarification before jumping in w/ foot in mouth.

and for someone offering "peace on earth", my opinion [which is like my asshole - small and insignificant] is there's not much peace in your post.

my christmas evening suggestion - chill and think before responding.
pmdelites's Avatar
So CD3 and I were discussing the glory hole thing. ...
And finally, if any of you fuckers commercialize this, I get a cut. Originally Posted by M_Star
1. m_star, glad that you got your delites from a glory hole and more w/ CD3!

2. better write up a patent for the concept, design, and construction of said glory hole.
then you could sue patent infringers and get a cut each time they cum.

3. did CD3 mention that she might be interested in hosting a glory hole event in the future? w/ or w/out you in the picture?
experiencing an oral delite to cumpletion from a glory hole is still on my "gotta check it out" list.
as long as i know the organizer and she/he vouches for all the glory hole participants, i would be there w/ lil delites in a cockbeat, errr heartbeat.
boomvang's Avatar
boomvang, remember "you" doesn't always mean "you, boomvang".
it might be a generic you. i think it's often better to ask for a clarification before jumping in w/ foot in mouth.

and for someone offering "peace on earth", my opinion [which is like my asshole - small and insignificant] is there's not much peace in your post.

my christmas evening suggestion - chill and think before responding. Originally Posted by pmdelites