Human Trafficking and The Federal Government?

ICU 812's Avatar
There is a big push across the Nation these days to suppress what is called "Human Trafficking. To be sure, there are despicable people who strive to enslave the powerless for sweatshop type work and even forced or cohered sex work.

The efforts by federal State and local law enforcement teams to stop the commercial trade in human beings is laudable and to be encouraged and supported.

But it seems tome that the policies of the Biden administration that encourage unfortunate people from far off foreign lands to come here and freely cross our southern border without consequence is to facilitate and even participate in the act of "Human Trafficking". These polcies are promulgated tat the highest level of our federal government. If not by President Biden himself, then formally in his name and with his consent by his subordinate staff and the various cabinet secretaries.

Human Trafficking at any scale is a despicable crime by anyone's standard. At the scale of thousands of human beings a month it is a massivly criminal act.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
There is a big push across the Nation these days to suppress what is called "Human Trafficking. To be sure, there are despicable people who strive to enslave the powerless for sweatshop type work and even forced or cohered sex work.

The efforts by federal State and local law enforcement teams to stop the commercial trade in human beings is laudable and to be encouraged and supported.

But it seems to me that the policies of the Biden administration that encourage unfortunate people from far off foreign lands to come here and freely cross our southern border without consequence is to facilitate and even participate in the act of "Human Trafficking". These polcies are promulgated at the highest level of our federal government. If not by President Biden himself, then formally in his name and with his consent by his subordinate staff and the various cabinet secretaries.

Human Trafficking at any scale is a despicable crime by anyone's standard. At the scale of thousands of human beings a month it is a massivly criminal act. Originally Posted by ICU 812
Would you provide the class with some examples to support your feelings? Please?

Or, is this your mind getting the best of you?
ICU 812's Avatar
Are the human smugglers on the Mexican side of the border trafficking in humans? Well yes they are. They get paid to bring people into the USA on foot and packed into trucks or however else they can manage it. They are engaged in 'Human Trafficking".

When the same people who have just been trafficked into the USA are housed and transported elsewhere by agents of the Federal Government, these people are again being trafficked. The agents are following policy and directives conceiver and issued from the highest levels of our government.

I didn't make any of this stuff up. Federal agents are doing this at the direction of the White House staff and Cabinet Secretaries if not by President Biden himself.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
Are the human smugglers on the Mexican side of the border trafficking in humans? Well yes they are. They get paid to bring people into the USA on foot and packed into trucks or however else they can manage it. They are engaged in 'Human Trafficking".

When the same people who have just been trafficked into the USA are housed and transported elsewhere by agents of the Federal Government, these people are again being trafficked. The agents are following policy and directives conceiver and issued from the highest levels of our government.

I didn't make any of this stuff up. Federal agents are doing this at the direction of the White House staff and Cabinet Secretaries if not by President Biden himself. Originally Posted by ICU 812

Okay, I don't argue against the validity of the traffickers south of the border helping people get across.

Maybe you think the administration is making it easier? Is that the premise? I'd like to read an article or piece that pieces the dots together.

eccieuser9500's Avatar
If you would, so kindly, permit me to put an international perspective to this. I would appreciate it. Sir.

Violent Pushbacks on Croatia Border Require EU Action

In its recent Pact on Migration, the EU Commission proposes that EU members set up border monitoring mechanisms to prevent abuses at borders. But Croatia’s example shows how Commission’s proposal of monitoring alone lacks teeth. To be effective, such a mechanism should be the tripwire to hold those responsible to account, including political consequences for states like Croatia that tolerate agents brutalizing migrants.

More urgently, the Commission should put Zagreb on notice and trigger legal action for breaching EU asylum law and condition border management funding to human rights compliance. Too many people have suffered unacceptable abuse for the EU to continue to look the other way.

ICU 812's Avatar
Another way to look at it:

If smugglers bring illegal drugs into the country and the contraband is confiscated by the American authorities . . .and then dispersed and dispensed around the country, these Federal AAents would be prosecutor as drug smugglers or charged with some other similar crime.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
Another way to look at it:

If smugglers bring illegal drugs into the country and the contraband is confiscated by the American authorities . . .and then dispersed and dispensed around the country, these Federal AAents would be prosecutor as drug smugglers or charged with some other similar crime. Originally Posted by ICU 812
Okay! Complicit? Like the Texas abortion law that was struck down?

I'm starting to understand. The State should not be involved. Like us citizens. When it comes to an illegal act. Am I making a leap?
ICU 812's Avatar
Well lets think it over. If a customs agent confiscates sillegal drugs and then passes them on to be distributed across the nation he would be charged and prosecuted.

I am not seriously suggesting that federal agents should be charged and prosecutor for housing and distributing illegal aliens around the country. I AM suggesting that there is an equivalence. Those that promulgate policies that allow these things to go on should be held responsible.

Elections will be coming.

Full disclosure: I have no ancestors who were present in the USA or anywhere in the Wester Hemisphere before 1900. All did did come in within the legal regulations in effect at the time. Infact, my paternal grandmother came over from Eastern Europe in the late 1960s. She had to register as a resident alien at the local post office every year before becoming a citizen.

Both my father and my father-in-law immigrated to the USA in the 1930s . . both legally through Ellis Island. Both became citizens while in the Amy during WW-II.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
Full disclosure: I have no ancestors who were present in the USA or anywhere in the Wester Hemisphere before 1900. All did did come in within the legal regulations in effect at the time. Infacvt, my paternal grandmother came over from Eastern Europe in the late 1960s. She had to registere as a resident alien every year before becoming a citizen. Originally Posted by ICU 812
If there was an easier way to enter the country, would she have taken it? To cross an ocean and land ashore is not exactly undetectable.

I must disclose that my lineage has been on this hemisphere since the "discovery" of the west. So our perspectives do not coalesce. Think of the other Ellis Island.
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
Would you provide the class with some examples to support your feelings? Please?

Or, is this your mind getting the best of you? Originally Posted by eccieuser9500
5500 children missing under Biden's leadership. Whereas Trump was transparent to problems and worked to fix them, the Biden people have continuously denied that there is a problem. Still, those children went somewhere with someone. Too bad they don't require ID and proof of a familial relationship like the did under Trump.
Sex trafficking and forced labor...the democrats have not changed much in the last 160 years.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
5500 children missing under Biden's leadership. Whereas Trump was transparent to problems and worked to fix them, the Biden people have continuously denied that there is a problem. Still, those children went somewhere with someone. Too bad they don't require ID and proof of a familial relationship like the did under Trump.
Sex trafficking and forced labor...the democrats have not changed much in the last 160 years. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn

You're outrageous! Trump transparent?

the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
Yep, he acknowledged there were problems and he put someone down there to solve them. He also started building the wall which was working until Joe came along.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
I wonder how you'll play this stupid statement down? Go.
"Human Trafficing"?? What's that? Abortion?

### Salty
I wonder how you'll play this stupid statement down? Originally Posted by eccieuser9500
You being the purveyor of them....
Never so blind as those who refuse to see.