Apology Tour Redux

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The bullshit media narrative with both Dementia Joe's embarrassing son as well as the Russian bounty on US soldiers fantasy would be enough to ensure that no creepy democrat get elected in a national election for a decade and that 50% of the US media machine be placed under arrest for wanton sedition but the electorate is too stupid to recognize anything other than their hatred of white males
I keep being dumbfounded how anyone can look at that feeble old man who you wouldnt trust to operate a lemonade stand .

Maybe there are alot of very unsuccessful angry people that just lack any ability to measure up individuals thus allowing really stupid and sick people to converge around them to the point their lives are shit.?

You have to be able to observe people your going to bring into your life , especially if they have any way to negatively affect your welfare monetarily or spiritually.

And I also realize Trump failed to seize control of slouchi.

And basically handed over his presidency to 2 people

Slouchi and the scarf queen . Incomprehensible how he wouldnt have spent 1 or 2 days to get second opinions and checking these peoples past associations out.

Thus leading to lockdowns and unconstitutional takeover of a couple key states voting rules as to put the dementia illiterate hack over the top with "found votes "
again, no clue what an opinion piece means to us Americans.

Some guy thinks other countries will think a certain way and his cult following believe him, and have no other opinions except what this man says, which is a poorly assumed assumption, with absolutely no facts and no mention of anything long term as a result of his assumptions.

For a small government, no regulations crowd, posting garbage like this suggests you'd like to fund more government in the USA to seek out other countries abuses towards those citizens and to correct them, to align them with Christian beliefs, I know you guys have no concept of cost, or how anything works, unless some one else you trust tells you what it is, but your ideals, and values you want to oppress on other countries would cause wars and an infinite mass amounts of money.
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Whereas in America the illiterate electorate is led around by the nose by an incalculably biased media starving to be told what to do by a government whose bidding it's been doing for decades.

I sort of felt sorry for Robert Mueller for that spectacularly embarrassing performance, at the time.

Who knew that kind of shit meant absolutely nothing to dull normal democrat voters who were dying to elect a guiltist sock puppet.
This is why they are letting all the illegals in. To vote for all the dumbocrats.