Your Refusal to Take the Vaccine is Tanking the Stock Market

Chung Tran's Avatar
Cyclical/Recovery stocks getting slammed, because the belief is that the global growth recovery is stalling.. Thanks to the Delta surge here, and around the World. The fully vaccinated number in the US is fractionally below 50%, we should be at 80% today.

Are y'all plotting to destroy the economy, so you can slip Trump back into Office?
  • oeb11
  • 07-19-2021, 09:12 AM
CT - your fiden's party spending will destroy the economy and American freedom without any other help.

Hyperinflation is coming - just as in Weimar germany
Do read up on some history and economics.

Thank u

Trump should not be POTUS again - there are many much better candidatesw.

Cotton, DeSantis, Abbott, and others.

But - Willyou vote for AOC because she has nice tits under the blouse. 'Right"
Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
I socially isolate myself, dude.

I'm not spreading or contracting shit.

I also stimulate the economy by buying random shit on the internet.

Speak for yourself, bub.
Cyclical/Recovery stocks getting slammed, because the belief is that the global growth recovery is stalling.. Thanks to the Delta surge here, and around the World. The fully vaccinated number in the US is fractionally below 50%, we should be at 80% today.

Are y'all plotting to destroy the economy, so you can slip Trump back into Office? Originally Posted by Chung Tran
Utterly ridiculous. Last I read 2 more FULLY VACCINATED Texas Reps have test positive for COVID. That means 5 out of 32 "refugees" vacs failed. Your argument doesn't even take into account the hundreds of thousands of illegals Biden's let in over the last few months. Nor does it take into account the soon to be out of control inflation.

I'd like to see some raw numbers for the country. I keep hearing of "fourth spike" and "150% increase." That could mean 5 people. Its been months since I've heard of a healthy person under 60 dying.

But here's the real story...the US Goverment, the media, the CDC, Dr. Fauci, WHO, the Dims, etc have used up all their credibility.

Where's my CCP COVID Check?
  • oeb11
  • 07-19-2021, 09:51 AM
CT - Destroying teh stock market is fascist DPST Lizzie's primary goal.

What is your problem with following the nomenklatura???
rexdutchman's Avatar
No dear man the stock market knows puddens and stagnation is here like carter and the 70s like a bad dream
Oh yea and Gen Goebelles would approve of the LSM
Cyclical/Recovery stocks getting slammed, because the belief is that the global growth recovery is stalling.. Thanks to the Delta surge here, and around the World. The fully vaccinated number in the US is fractionally below 50%, we should be at 80% today.

Are y'all plotting to destroy the economy, so you can slip Trump back into Office? Originally Posted by Chung Tran
Why do you think it should be at 80%? How many of the hundreds of thousands of illegals that came through the border the last 6 months have been vaccinated? How come people who've been "fully vaccinated" are testing positive for COVID? What happened to "Herd Immunity?" Awaiting your considered responses...
Chung Tran's Avatar
Why do you think it should be at 80%? How many of the hundreds of thousands of illegals that came through the border the last 6 months have been vaccinated? How come people who've been "fully vaccinated" are testing positive for COVID? What happened to "Herd Immunity?" Awaiting your considered responses... Originally Posted by gnadfly
Because the vaccine is free, easy to get, and mitigates Covid, is why we should be at 80%.

I don't know the illegals #. But I would stick a needle into their brown asses, as soon as they navigate the Rio Grande successfully.

Testing positive? Why not? The vaccines don't stop you from covid acquisition, necessarily, but they do beat back the virus and its negative effects.

Herd immunity? That is my argument. We should be there already. Right-wing Fascist, nut job conspiracy rhetoric holds us at 50%, rounded up!
Chung Tran's Avatar
Hyper inflation coming? Bond Proffessional Traders disagree. The 10 year bond yield is at 1.18% today. It was 1.7% three months ago.

Do you realize this ''rapid inflation is around the corner'' speak has been wrong for 38 years now?
Because the vaccine is free, easy to get, and mitigates Covid, is why we should be at 80%. You're not answering the question. Who picked 80% and why 80%? If the answer is "that's Biden's goal" then its just a political talking point.

I don't know the illegals #. But I would stick a needle into their brown asses, as soon as they navigate the Rio Grande successfully. That's a sad nonresponse.

Testing positive? Why not? The vaccines don't stop you from covid acquisition, necessarily, but they do beat back the virus and its negative effects. Says who, Fauci? The vaccines are overhyped. You've made the case for not getting the vaccine en mass.

Herd immunity? That is my argument. We should be there already. Right-wing Fascist, nut job conspiracy rhetoric holds us at 50%, rounded up! Given the vaccine rate, the number of people who had COVID and did or didn't know it and the number of people who supposedly died from it, we are close to the 80% to be considered 'herd immunity'. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
Like the flu, we may never be "over" COVID. Your "plan" is of no consequence.

Hyper inflation coming? Bond Proffessional Traders disagree. The 10 year bond yield is at 1.18% today. It was 1.7% three months ago.

Do you realize this ''rapid inflation is around the corner'' speak has been wrong for 38 years now? Originally Posted by Chung Tran
That's just the 10 year. Have you been to grocery store lately? I read where if the CPI was calculated the way it was in the 70s, inflation would be 12% annualized.
rexdutchman's Avatar
""Get ready for Hyperinflation, Bideeens policies are a recipe for a crash and burn economy"
Dick Morris adviser for Clinton economy other liberal agree Only the LSM experts differ Hmm ,If you include the infart-stucture plan 3.5 Trillion / covid package 6 Trillion that's almost 10 trillion in 6 MONTHS that's what the market is reacting to so Hmm lets blame everything other then the cause ( media propaganda )
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Because the vaccine is free, easy to get, and mitigates Covid, is why we should be at 80%.

I don't know the illegals #. But I would stick a needle into their brown asses, as soon as they navigate the Rio Grande successfully.

Testing positive? Why not? The vaccines don't stop you from covid acquisition, necessarily, but they do beat back the virus and its negative effects.

Herd immunity? That is my argument. We should be there already. Right-wing Fascist, nut job conspiracy rhetoric holds us at 50%, rounded up! Originally Posted by Chung Tran

i'd stick a shotgun into their faces and say "Adios muchaco" and send them back.

how do you justify this massive influx? humanitarian reasons? more worker bees to steal jobs from American citizens?

since we all know that illegals don't pay their full share of taxes don't even try "more tax revenues" that tired liberal lie won't hunt.
bambino's Avatar

Everything’s good in Uganda. They take HCQ
Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
How is choosing not to take a vaccine fascist?
bambino's Avatar