I was wondering....

I know this question has been asked a million times on this board. But I have been wondering...which is more important...a provider with a perfect body or one that has some flaws and not so perfect? If said provider gave a service level of 10 and rocked your world...would you be thinking about those flaws?? Is personality and service level enough to overcome any phsyical flaws that she might have??

I do not have the perfect body, and never have I claimed to. I do not misrepresent myself in my pictures. But I am proud of the way I look. I have lost 30 pounds over the last year and think I look pretty good for a mother of three in her mid 30's. I love what I do and I would like to think that my reviews show that my service level more than makes up for the phsyical imperfections that I have. I know that I am not everyone's "cup of tea" and I am ok with that, but if someone enjoys my company and the level of services that I provide, then let it be. I have read through the physcial description of all my reviews, and most of them mentioned my flaws. But if they didn't, could it be that my actions, my personality, and my overall services made my flaws not that much noticable? Just a thought...
Are you trying to fish for compliments or ask a legit question?
Regardless, if someone is bitter toward to you (had a bad session) it's likely that they will mention the 'flaws' more so than the person that a great time with you. It's not that they didn't notice them, just didn't think it was worth mentioning.
Everyone has physical flaws - it's how you deal with them and carry yourself that makes a true impression.
Guest091314's Avatar
I have much less then a perfect body...but has never affected me. I have met other providers that have the same but I feel as long as you are comfortable in your skin then that is what matters.

Do I worry about if a guy thinks my body is less then stellar....not really bc my reviews will state my flaws and I do not edit my pictures to make them believe otherwise. I like myself and believe that a sparkling personality will shine through any "flaw"

You are sexy as hell from what I can tell...
Iaintliein's Avatar
You don't have to be here long to see that providers (and clients) come in all sizes, shapes, and preferences. For every client who thinks body is the over riding consideration, there will be one who goes for attitude/skills.

Congratulations on the weight loss, many of us carry a few extra pounds we'd like to get rid of. Keep up the good work and to thine own self be true!
JohnJohn's Avatar
Flaws and imperfections are just part of life. They can be overcome with personality and a great service attitude. You got me curious enough to check out your showcase and I'll be researching your reviews too. You look great/sexy/adorable to me
Are you trying to fish for compliments or ask a legit question? Originally Posted by Shayla
I am definately not fishing for compliments. I am confident in my appearance and my presentation and attitude refects that. I am asking a legit question and addressing one of the comments that were left on one of my reviews.
  • hd
  • 09-07-2011, 12:19 PM
You said it not everyone's "cup of tea" ,but we all have our own conception of what we like. I, myself find you attractive and just haven't been able to make time to see you yet.

I've always thought about how every one is nuts about Christie Brinkly, Billy Joel's ex. I agree she's attractive, but doesn't do a thing for me, go figure.

And with reviews, besides mentioning her good qualities, it's just human nature in us to add some negativity.

Don't worry about it, learn by it.
Nice smile and fun attitude is what is important. BTW, you have a gorgeous body!
In my book, service/skills far outweighs looks, however, it is the looks that initially attracts a guy to you, and let's face it, here is D/FW, there are maybe a handful of ladies out of the 1200+ providers, that do not have any physical qualities that are attractive, so guess what? It all about the service/skills........If a hobbyist basis his justification on seeing a provider solely upon looks and body, then finds out the "service" is sub-par, he will not go back for a second visit for BCD activities.
trynagetlaid's Avatar
Looks and performance can be evaluated on a scale of 1 thru 10. Each hobbyist has his own grading system. My 6 might be some other guy's 10, and vice versa.

A provider who grades out 9 or 10 on looks and 5 or 6 on performance won't get much repeat business. On the other hand, a provider who's 6 or 7 in the looks department and 9 or 10 in performance will be booked solid, if her rates are reasonable.

Being mid-range (5 or 6) in both departments would not be good for a provider.
For me personality and service level (IOP) are far more important than looks.
Level of service can make me ignore lot of flaws.
Skills go a long way in my book. I can overlook quite a bit if she's sexually talented; especially if she's the type that can surprise me with certain areas of expertise.
Thank you all for the wonderful feedback. I am confident that my skills and attitude more than make up for my physical imperfections. I hope that I have already shown that and plan to keep showing that in the future. Being fairly new to this hobby of ours, I am still a work in progress and will only get better in time, both on a physical and service level.
I would rather be with someone who was average with human flaws that we all have, rather than a perfect 10 who was mean and made me feel bad. I have been with 4 providers in my life. Three who made me feel very bad. ANd one who was very nice. None of the four were perfect 10s. The one who was so nice to me was also the prettiest. BUt her sensitivity toward me made the dfference. IN the world of men and women the idea that men are all about looks is a myth, just like the myth that women are more into the personality than mens looks. We all want looks and personality and sensitivity. Everyone, I believe would rather have a somewhat attractive person rather than a person with a cold, unfeeling personality.
Rene its better for us hobbiest to know all imperfections before hand than to be surprised because it was not mentioned by others. I think you have the right take away and this is to be confident in all that you do.