Dear Ladies,
I know you don’t hear much from me, but something came through my email today that
I think you all should be aware of. This is the email:

Hi jaimie sweet, My name is Brian, a civil engineer, i was going through your profile and posting, i was loss of word. please contact me in my private email let see if will can work thing out. Thanks!!!

When you hit reply this email address comes up Anthony00

If you google this email it shows all the scams this guy is involved in; IE mostly baby sitting scams I will post the link at the bottom. It looks like he is moving on to us thinking we are greedy, and thus easy targets. WE ARE NOT!!! This is a check scam. They send you a check for over the amount asked for and when it clears the bank they ask you to forward the over payment on to them or a store ect.. After you do this you find out the check is stolen.
Here is a link so you can look for your selves.

http://www.discountsolarpanelsforhome .com/tag/sitters/
Thank you for the information Jaimie. I don't know what makes people think these scams are believable. I get emails like this every day and they are immediately deleted. The sad thing about this is, there are people out there that do fall for these scams.
nice catch!
rachet3375's Avatar
My favorite is the Secret Shopper Job scam. They send you a very legit looking check for say $1600.00. tell you to deposit the check in your account. Then they tell you to go buy certain specific items at several different stores for an amount equaling somewhere around $300.00 to $500.00, go wire $1000.00 to an address in Canada and keep the remainder as your salary. A couple of days later the bank will contact you to inform you the check was returned as invalid. Oops! You are out the $1k and have to pay for the goods you bought from your own account. They work your own greed against you. Crafty fu*kers.
DEPmic05's Avatar
The internet and e-mail has made these sort of scams very cost effective for the con artists using them. They can send out 10,000 e-mails and wait for someone to bite. Even if only 5-10 people fall for it, that can be hundreds or even thousands of dollars for the crook.
whitechocolate's Avatar
The internet is a market place for scams. They work on mass mailings as you know. Nobody should do anything that involves money with anyone they dont know personally or give anyone personal information of any kind. Fake emails are even coming from what appears to be your bank and every other group you have had past business with so be on your guard with everything.