Unfortunately, I don't always get a chance to respond to a hobbyist's initial contact because his message implies that he would like for me to participate in illegal activities with him. Anyone who has read my website or my showcase should know that I send all such inquiries to the circular file unanswered, regardless of how eager I am to meet.
Lately, over the past 2-3 months, inquiries like I'm talking about have become the norm and I feel it should be addressed in an open forum, to explain the cold shoulder so many have received from me. To that end, I have resurrected a post I made long, long ago, on a board far, far away, in hopes that... well.....
Maybe this will help those of you who don't get it... well... GET IT!So, there you have it. Any questions?
If a review of time spent with me comments that I give great medical advice, do not email me asking if I will give you great medical advice as well.
If a review of time spent with me reveals that I am a dental diva, do not email me asking if I will give you a root canal as well.
If a review of time spent with me reveals that I prepared a gourmet meal beyond compare for his weekly poker game, do not email me asking if I will cater your event as well.
If a review of time spent with me reveals that I found a buyer and helped him close his real estate deal for an amazingly low commission, do not email me asking if I will list your house as well.
If a review of time spent with me reveals that I joyfully notarized any documents, do not email me asking if I will give stamp your documents without proof of ID as well.
If you do email me asking if I will do any of these things or a host of other things that might cause even the slightest legal discomfort, YOU WILL NEVER, EVER, EVER UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES SUCCESSFULLY BOOK A SESSION WITH ME.
I would suggest that (if you can't control your desire to really know if I am a great attorney, a fabulous CPA or an amazing tattoo artist) you CONTACT THE AUTHOR OF THE REVIEW WHO WROTE ABOUT HOW FUCKING GREAT I AM IN THE FIRST PLACE!
Assuming you are a credible and contributing member of this community, the reviewer in question will probably give you more detail, more accurately, than you would ever get from me even if I would answer your email. (Which is something else that will never happen.)
This is neither brain surgery nor rocket science; don't think about it so much and you just might get it. Well think about it all you want, but don't email me to say this:
originally emailed by a person with no clue and no mannersI) want to make sure. that activity that i enjoy most is the grand finale, particular bbbjcimNQNS. [...]please let me know if you still provide this.Sorry, Mods, if I am out of line. It just felt a bit like a community service.
Happy Hobbying