Other Encounters (Street Scene)

chencho's Avatar
I personally enjoyed reading about the interesting street, cantina, moco, etc scenes. Not sure where the community would post about this?
ztonk's Avatar
  • ztonk
  • 06-20-2018, 08:29 PM
Probably in Encounter Reports.

winn dixie's Avatar
SL would want to know where to post and read about t/s encounters!!!!!!
chencho's Avatar
Probably in Encounter Reports.

Originally Posted by ztonk
Sounds good. Thanks
1234NiceGuy's Avatar

Whatever the fuck that means. There is no such thing as a tranny.

More like mentally ill.
Dev Null's Avatar
The World Health Organization no longer classifies transgender people as mentally ill. The American Psychiatric Association still classifies gender dysphoria in the DSM-5, but not all transgender people have that diagnosis.

So you'd be hard-pressed to find a reputable doctor these days that would treat someone just for being transgender. There may be a few quacks who promote conversion therapy, but that's strictly religious mumbo-jumbo.
Mentally ill fudgepackers and those who defend them.
Dev Null's Avatar
I'm guessing that they prep themselves just like the Greek-friendly gals do so that there's no fudge to pack. Otherwise they'd get a very painful fecal impaction.

And I'm sure that the opinion of some random guy on a hooker board carries more weight than the WHO and the APA about who is mentally ill. Just saying.
I’m guessing you know a lot about that prep
And getting painfully impacted?
Dev Null's Avatar
Yes, I do know a bit about it. I've done some reading up on Greek and how to prep for it. There are a lot of good sites on the web for couples of every stripe that are interested in back door fun.

I mean doesn't every Greek-lover know that a lot of gals ask for a heads-up in advance so they can prep and why that's important? Some may prep for every date just in case, and others maybe just know their own butt.

I'm secure enough about my hetero orientation to not give a rat's ass about your insinuation. I've met a number of gay and lesbian people, and they seem pretty much as together as anyone else. So I don't really consider it an insult.

Since you seem to think it would bother someone, I can only assume that you're not very secure in your own sexual orientation. Well, better latent than never, as they say.
Wouldn’t know, Greek lovers by definition are fags.
Where do you think the name came from?
All the fudgepacking faggots that populated Ancient Greece poking their dicks up another man’s hairy ass.

But I suspect you already know this and like it so much.
Dev Null's Avatar
I've never been into sex with guys, but I enjoy butt play with the gals, giving and receiving. The anus is an erogenous zone for people of all sexes and orientation, whether you like it or not.

And everyone's heard about the P-spot for guys. A well-placed finger at the right moment can lead to some spectacular fireworks.

It can be a bit much sometimes if you overdo it though. Too much prostate play can kind of numb it out to the point where you can't ejaculate.

Also there's some risk of spreading diseases like Hep-C etc., but if you get tested frequently and, you know, bathe, the risk is pretty minimal.

You might step outside your vanilla world and try it sometime. You might enjoy it, if you can free your mind from all the limiting beliefs about it being gay.
It’s an exit for toxic crap to leave your body, not toxic mentally ill crap to enter it.
winn dixie's Avatar
I've never been into sex with guys, but I enjoy butt play with the gals, giving and receiving. The anus is an erogenous zone for people of all sexes and orientation, whether you like it or not.

And everyone's heard about the P-spot for guys. A well-placed finger at the right moment can lead to some spectacular fireworks.

It can be a bit much sometimes if you overdo it though. Too much prostate play can kind of numb it out to the point where you can't ejaculate.

Also there's some risk of spreading diseases like Hep-C etc., but if you get tested frequently and, you know, bathe, the risk is pretty minimal.

You might step outside your vanilla world and try it sometime. You might enjoy it, if you can free your mind from all the limiting beliefs about it being gay. Originally Posted by Dev Null
Butt play is queer!! Now if and when you admit this, the sooner you can be free to call yourself gay.. Just stop trying to glamorize being a fag!!
Dev Null's Avatar
Nonsense. But there's no arguing with ignorance. Read up a bit on human sexuality.