split screening

the obama news media spent yesterday discussing the shame that
americans would heap upon the republicans as they proceeded with their convention in the face if hurricane issac. all this while issac was merely a rainstorm. one after another, as if they all collaborated (which i dont doubt), they discussed split screening the storm with the convention.

never once did they discuss split screening obama on his fund raising jaunts with the storm

they brought up bush flying over katrina as if trying to cast again an image of the uncaring republicans before the american people. never once did they give the reason bush flew over, which was all the assets he would tie up should he have landed.

fox, i think, in the interest of fair play, has now split screened obama at a california fund raising event with issac, the storm.

the media has forever lost all credibilty

rush limbaugh did a big treatise on this today







and many more
What is your point?When did Obie give stimulus money to the news media???