Poker fans, anyone?

I was wondering if there would be interest from you guys and gals in playing a private, exclusive Texas Hold Em tournament with a topless poker dealer, and possibly topless beverage servers in a secure environment...with SNs undisclosed(unless you choose to provide your own info)...I would be open to holding such a tournament. I enjoy playing...and I think it would be sort of an interesting way for members who would like to get to know other members to meet...without seeming conspicuous. I obviously, would not allow illegal activities to take place at my establishment...but You could meet the others in a non-stressful way.
It's just an idea..If I have anyone showing interest, we could look into ideas further...
Cheaper2buyit's Avatar
sign me in
I'd be interested. Let me know the details.
I think that is a great idea. Please include me in this too.
jdaman's Avatar
i am in!!!
OK, I'll be the devil's advocate here since no one else has said anything and I know you guys are smarter than this.

1. How many laws will you be breaking by being in a location that has alcohol and nudity AND gambling?

2. You're willing to trust an unknown "massage provider" with any information about yourself for the sake of a poker game?

3. You know damn well LE reads this board and it wouldn't be hard for LE with a handle on this board to get into the game.

4. What better timing for LE to gather license plate numbers, run them and get your info to possibly hold over your head at some point.

5. An unknown lady is willing to host this at a location of her choice?

Call me paranoid, but c'mon guys. I'm not knocking Christine, she could be legit and a very nice lady, but this is all a little too much. Could I be wrong? Sure...but, I could also right.
Elena, I wondered many of the same things. One other thing, money changing hands, to who and how much? And I don't mean for the gambling. Just a couple of days ago, this lady was being bashed on this board. Even today, some questioned the validity of her reviews and now, all is ok? Just wondering, though it's not something that appeals to me and I am not judging those who find this appealing.
Just not my cup of tea.
OK, I'll be the devil's advocate here since no one else has said anything and I know you guys are smarter than this.

1. How many laws will you be breaking by being in a location that has alcohol and nudity AND gambling?

2. You're willing to trust an unknown "massage provider" with any information about yourself for the sake of a poker game?

3. You know damn well LE reads this board and it wouldn't be hard for LE with a handle on this board to get into the game.

4. What better timing for LE to gather license plate numbers, run them and get your info to possibly hold over your head at some point.

5. An unknown lady is willing to host this at a location of her choice?

Call me paranoid, but c'mon guys. I'm not knocking Christine, she could be legit and a very nice lady, but this is all a little too much. Could I be wrong? Sure...but, I could also right. Originally Posted by MsElena
Sorry to offend you, kitty cat.
but It is not illegal to have poker games at your residence(which is where I work out of, and would be inclined to have a party)...drinking is not illegal...and removing clothes is not illegal, either...
As far as LE is concerned...I don't have contact with any...but as I stated already, I don't allow illegal activity to happen here...and LE could be anywhere.
Elena, I wondered many of the same things. One other thing, money changing hands, to who and how much? And I don't mean for the gambling. Just a couple of days ago, this lady was being bashed on this board. Even today, some questioned the validity of her reviews and now, all is ok? Just wondering, though it's not something that appeals to me and I am not judging those who find this appealing.
Just not my cup of tea. Originally Posted by vitokc
Look...I was just trying to suggest what I would consider a good idea of a fun 'meet and greet'...maybe if you cynics would take the time to get to know me, you wouldn't 'question' my 'validity'
For those interested, I'll provide details through PM when I have enough(9, including me) potential players to fill a table!
Fred Garvin's Avatar
liquor up front, poker in the rear
Look...I was just trying to suggest what I would consider a good idea of a fun 'meet and greet'...maybe if you cynics would take the time to get to know me, you wouldn't 'question' my 'validity' Originally Posted by topnotchmassage
I'm sure your intentions are good. Not too long ago you seemed offended you were even being discussed on this site. Now, a topless meet and greet? I am sure it will be good for business along with the free ink you get on this site, good for you. If some are cynical, it's because we are cautious.

You didn't offend me at all, so there was no need for an apology.

Vito said it best, we may be cynics, but there's reason to be.

As for the question of what is legal or illegal, I suggest you take a good look at the city ordinances of the city you live in. And yes, LE could be anywhere which is why I mentioned the list I did. I suggest you reread my original posting and then go look up your city ordinances.

As I also said before, you could be totally legit and a nice lady, but you also need to understand that most of the guys who post on here have A LOT to lose. As do the ladies.
Omahan's Avatar
This thread is too much like an ad and Christine is not a Verified Provider so I'm closing it. Christine is reviewed here but just doesn't quite fit to get VP approval. Not better - Not worse - Just not quite a fit. We hope she will stay as a Regular Member and continue to join in our discussions.