Unemployment Back Up

CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 03-09-2012, 11:12 AM
rjdiner's Avatar
Where have all the haters gone?


It seems as though that f'in Muslim knew more than the tea baggers after all.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 03-09-2012, 11:32 AM
8.3% isnt a full percentage point ABOVE Reagans two term average of 7.5%
Oh well if its almost as good as it was in the 80s then we should all stop fretting I suppose.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 03-09-2012, 11:41 AM
Oh well if its almost as good as it was in the 80s then we should all stop fretting I suppose. Originally Posted by Grifter

its alomst as good as it was in 08 .2% (point two percent) below the 80's
The questions I have are as follows, do you feel good about this number knowing it excludes people who have stopped looking for work? Do you understand that we are miles away from having the same number of people working as we did before the Recession? How much credit do you give Obama's policies for the rate of recovery?
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 03-09-2012, 12:03 PM
The questions I have are as follows, do you feel good about this number knowing it excludes people who have stopped looking for work? Do you understand that we are miles away from having the same number of people working as we did before the Recession? How much credit do you give Obama's policies for the rate of recovery? Originally Posted by Grifter

I dont feel god about any number above 5%

Iam completely awawe of the pre recession #'s ... I bitched like hell when they started to dive but for some reason the right wingers tried to convince me it was no big deal

and again I bitched like hell when Obe bypassed the economy and took issue with a personal agenda while he had a majority congress ... Healthcare. To answer your question, some. Some part of a business cycle, some policy related.
Iaintliein's Avatar
Where have all the haters gone?


It seems as though that f'in Muslim knew more than the tea baggers after all. Originally Posted by rjdiner

There's one.
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 03-09-2012, 02:29 PM
Oh well if its almost as good as it was in the 80s then we should all stop fretting I suppose. Originally Posted by Grifter
do you feel good about this number knowing it excludes people who have stopped looking for work? Originally Posted by Grifter
What is it with people who think we stopped counting people who quit looking for work only when Obama became President?

Do you understand that we are miles away from having the same number of people working as we did before the Recession? How much credit do you give Obama's policies for the rate of recovery?
I wonder what the unemployment rate would be if we didn't lose 5.5 million jobs in the 5 months prior to and 3 months into Obama's term.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 03-09-2012, 03:06 PM
if McCain had won unemployment could be 12%, we could be bombing Iran, and not so much as a peep would be heard from the right ...
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Yeah. What a choice in 2008. Obama or McCain. Really? And now it will be Obama or Romney. This can't be happening. This can't be the best we can come up with. No wonder the country is going to hell.
What is it with people who think we stopped counting people who quit looking for work only when Obama became President?

I wonder what the unemployment rate would be if we didn't lose 5.5 million jobs in the 5 months prior to and 3 months into Obama's term. Originally Posted by Doove
There's another thread that posted the report. Unemployment is holding which seems to be good news, but it doesn't address underemployment. Maybe if we stopped shipping our jobs and technology over seas there would be even more jobs.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Nobody is shipping jobs overseas. Companies are turning to overseas sites because the business climate here is getting more and more unfriendly, as politicians use class warfare to buy votes.

Most businesses would rather stay here, but as long as the government thinks it has to tax and regulate everything it can, they will continue to move to more pleasant climates. Sorry, those are just facts.
Nobody is shipping jobs overseas. Companies are turning to overseas sites because the business climate here is getting more and more unfriendly, as politicians use class warfare to buy votes.

Most businesses would rather stay here, but as long as the government thinks it has to tax and regulate everything it can, they will continue to move to more pleasant climates. Sorry, those are just facts. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy

I was in manufacturing for years. The jobs went over seas to save money period. Labor's cheaper, no overhead besides warehousing if the OEM even does that, and no outlay of money until at least thirty days after delivery. No OSHA, no unemployment insurance, no good working conditions, no sexual, age, race harassment may be friendly business climate, but they are cost drivers also. Follow the money. That's where the answer always is.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Olivia, you know I love you, but that is what a person goes into business for. To make money. That is economics, and that is capitalism. Those businesses have no obligation to stay here and lose money. What we have to do is create a business climate that will bring them back. There are ways to do that without sacrificing living wages and safe working conditions, but it would mean that government would have to give up some control, and our current batch of Democrats and Republicans won't do that. They NEED businesses to go overseas, so they can continue to demagogue class warfare issues. If Washington really wanted businesses to stay here, they would do something about it. But they won't.

Of course it's about the money. That what business is for.