Consideration for others.................

I wish some people could be more considerate of others before they post on these boards. Negative comments whether true/untrue cut deep and leave scars. In the future...please think of what you write prior to publicly posting.

I think I've about had it on this site.
Can you be a little more specific?

You have to remember this is an anonymous message board. People are bound to say things anonymously that they would never say in public. You just have to have a thick skin and not let opinions of others bother you.
Some people only post negativity. I'm not saying I've never posted something negative. But I don't only post when it's going to be negative. Definitely not planning on posting stuff that hurts someone's feelings.
GneissGuy's Avatar
Don't worry about it.

If you're a good provider, the truth will win out over the lies.
nuglet's Avatar
"IF" he/she is a "good provider".. then there shouldn't be "reviews" under the handle.
Let me be the first to apologize to those I have scared. Sometimes we let our emotions get away from us.
I wish some people could be more considerate of others before they post on these boards. Negative comments whether true/untrue cut deep and leave scars. In the future...please think of what you write prior to publicly posting.

I think I've about had it on this site. Originally Posted by undercover1
You are certainly right about comments cutting deep and leaving scars regarding the hobby. I still remember comments from a long time ago made about me and friends that hurt us severely. I have actually had to go thru therapy due to the emotional toll it took on me in the past, but I am a very sensitive person. I am the first to admit that.

I do realize we, as providers, put ourselves in a vulnerable position. Some of us handle it better than others. Still, it's unsettling sometimes to see people being cruel on the board.... provider or hobbyist. After I took a long break I realized I needed to take everything with a grain of salt, consider the source, and at the end of the day love myself. I have learned not to let people/comments have power over me. So far, having a normal job and keeping some distance from the board has been a recipe for success. I also think there is a difference in exchanging the free flow of information and down right unnecessary cruelty that I see, but I digress.