Don't wanna break any rules

On this board anyway.

In our 'Weekly updates' we cant mention anything about a 'KMart Blue Light ____'

Was told to say this in a less blatant way.

Also, it appears there will not be a page to advise that you just suddenly became available (short term availability)

Does anyone know of a way to spread the word? 💋
U can use p411, Twitter, switter and oh2 for available now ads
... 'KMart Blue Light ____' Originally Posted by SweetSuzanna
Now that is a clever way to express what you intend without using the actual word, congrats! That passes the test!

The short term availability thread or "snatch" thread as it was referred to in other communities, was a nightmare to moderate all over the country with constant, daily violations and complaints from other ladies. While I understand the value to the ladies, in today's climate it could cause more problems than it might solve.
Thanks Scorpio! Thanks for the explanation. I didnt know it was so difficult. ��