Am I wrong here?

Should I have done something different?

I had an appointment setup with one woman who is considered a real go-to (the term legend is used often) for this city, I asked for 9:30 and told her I didn't want to start super late. She asked if I could do midnight, I said that was too late. We settled on 11:00. During the course of the day my schedule pushed a little so I let her know 11:15 was acceptable and she confirmed. I rushed back to my hotel, showered and got everything setup on my end and was ready by 11:00.

At 11:45 I texted asking for a ETA, and she said she had trouble getting an uber and literally just that moment finally had someone on their way. She was still then more than 30 minutes out but claimed she could be there by midnight. I told her to cancel it.

Naturally she freaked out and claimed she had moved her schedule and missed something important and all the other bullshit. I think we all know if the story was flipped and it was me who was an hour late, the provider would be talking about charging for the lost time or just wouldn't answer when I got there.

Am I in the wrong here? Should I be subjected to this kind of treatment and still say thank you and pay for something I can no longer enjoy?
slickcod's Avatar
Get used to it Dude. They aren't om the same schedule as working stiff's.