watch out on Royal street....mardi Gras

DallasRain's Avatar
Ok I love mardi gras with EVERY fiber of my soul..................I wanted to share some funny stuff that happened to me today.

I was on royal Street today enjoying mardi gras with my SO.....we were dressed up in costume and looking pretty "party gras".......When a nice group of young people from ALABAMA came up to us and wanted to take a pic....they were so sweet and friendly.......they started asking all kinds of questions.....where we were from/what we liked about mardi gras/our fave seafood place to eat at/our fave parades/etc....then one of them shook my hand and asked my name....uh oh I knew what was coming next! lol......she got a christian witness card from her pocket and told me that the real reason they were on mardi gras was to tell people about Jesus and how he could save us!

OMG---I saw lots of the christian picketers on bourbon all day....but on Royal??? that is the "go to" place to unwind from Bourbon Street!

that kinda made me phobiac all day whenever somebody wanted to take our pics! lol

So are yall enjoying mardi gras??? any funny or sexy stories to share involving mardi gras??
Arverni's Avatar
Come on Dallas! Why didn't you just tell these guys that your idea of "fun" is burning up the pavement on the Highway to Hell!?

Mardi Gras, for me ... well I only get the "bug" for it about as often as Spock goes through "Pon Farr" (about every seven years). And then when I get it - I party so hard I can't remember it.
DallasRain's Avatar
lol--yep I should have!

I left early...glad I did,they had a shooting on bourbon last nite
BoomShakaLaka's Avatar
I met Jesus the other night in San Antonio. I didnt know he saved.
DallasRain's Avatar
lol Boom

Old Horn Dog's Avatar
"Jesus Saves... but Moses gets it wholesale!"